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MacbethMacbeth by William Shakespeare. Topics Deception/betrayal Manliness Guilt Ambition Corruption.

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Presentation on theme: "MacbethMacbeth by William Shakespeare. Topics Deception/betrayal Manliness Guilt Ambition Corruption."— Presentation transcript:

1 MacbethMacbeth by William Shakespeare

2 Topics Deception/betrayal Manliness Guilt Ambition Corruption

3 THEME Topic + Insight "Shakespeare's play Macbeth shows that... " (what is the lesson about one of the previous topics)

4 Assignment You will write an analysis essay explaining one of the themes in Macbeth. 700-1000 words, typed, double-spaced Prove to me from the play that what you have chosen is indeed one of the themes. First Draft: Nov. 24th Final: Dec. 5th

5 Setting Scotland 11th century Macbeth was an historical figure, but much of the play is fiction Scotland has just defeated the Norwegians who were helped by a traitor.

6 Characters Duncan - king of Scotland Macbeth & Lady Macbeth Banquo 3 witches

7 Motifs/Symbols blood sleep light vs. dark robes

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