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Falkirk High School 4C2 Developing Deep Understanding of Macbeth 20 th March 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Falkirk High School 4C2 Developing Deep Understanding of Macbeth 20 th March 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Falkirk High School 4C2 Developing Deep Understanding of Macbeth 20 th March 2013

2 Our learning intentions today: Extending our knowledge and understanding of Macbeth Developing our ability to compose high order questions

3 How will we know that we’ve done this? We will be able to: Write questions which challenge our knowledge of the plot, setting and characters in the play Write questions which show our understanding of the main themes of the play Describe which Bloom’s skill my questions will challenge Explain which questions are more difficult and why

4 Think, Pair, Share 5 mins Think about the answers to these two questions: a)Why is Mrs McBlain here in your English class? b)Is Macbeth a good play?

5 Benjamin Bloom

6 Can we make a question for each level?

7 Let’s Test Your Questions Pair up with another pair Decide how you want to organise the asking of your questions Get feedback from the other pair on how well you have used Higher Order questions to test their understanding Fill out your feedback sheets – self assessment and peer assessment

8 Next Steps? 27.3.13 – make more questions to build a Macbeth Higher Order Question Quiz ?

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