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MACBETH Shakespeare Honors/Pre-IB English II Mr. Moccia.

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1 MACBETH Shakespeare Honors/Pre-IB English II Mr. Moccia

2 INTRODUCTION TO PLAY  Written probably in 1607, at the beginning of King James I’s reign  Before James succeeded Elizabeth I, he was king of Scotland  Placing the play in James’ homeland probably pleased him  Macbeth was a real king of Scotland

3 GUNPOWDER PLOT  “Remember, remember the fifth of November / Gunpowder, treason and plot. / I see no reason why gunpowder, treason / Should ever be forgot...”  In November 1605 the Gunpowder Plot was discovered  Guy Fawkes and his followers (Roman Catholics) planned to blow up Parliament  The plot was discovered and the men involved were tried and killed as traitors

4 THINGS TO LOOK FOR  How much occurs at night (and why)  Focus on the supernatural  Use of paradox  Violence, often off stage (and why)  The weather

5 GREEK TRAGEDY AND SHAKESPEARE  Shakespeare uses many elements of Greek tragedy  But he “modifies” some of them  Fate, Destiny, and Prophesy – and the problem of free will  Tragic Hero

6 THEMES AND LENS  Loyalty to Monarchy /Treason  Appearance vs. Reality  Unchecked Ambition  Gender

7 APPEARANCE VS. REALITY  Can we ever truly trust someone?  If so, how?  Can a face lie completely?

8 GENDER  Are men more prone to seek power, domination, and authority?  If so, is this a result of biology or society?  What are “feminine” qualities; and what are “male?”  How does Shakespeare both use and reject the stereotype?

9 UNCHECKED AMBITION  What is the line between desire and what you would do to get what you desire? In other words, if you truly desire something intensely, are you willing to do anything to get it?  “If there’s a ‘line’ you wouldn’t cross, then you don’t desire completely.”

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