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Wageningen Institute of Food Technology Osamu Revathi Shinnosuke Elisa Nantianjie Francisco Haneesh.

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Presentation on theme: "Wageningen Institute of Food Technology Osamu Revathi Shinnosuke Elisa Nantianjie Francisco Haneesh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wageningen Institute of Food Technology Osamu Revathi Shinnosuke Elisa Nantianjie Francisco Haneesh

2 Food History of Wageningen Source of Drinking Water Agricultural Development Food Research

3 International Food Fair A festival to experience multicultural food

4 Project Objectives Appreciating the diversity of cultures Working in multicultural groups Introducing the subject of food technology in a fun and practical way Acclimating to the city

5 Programme Details – Divide into groups of 10 – Introduce each culture and its food – Choose a cuisine / Brainstorm a dish – Explore local stores for ingredient availability / evaluate recipe feasibility – Present the recipe to a coach Day 1Day 2Day 3

6 Programme Details – Present a sample of the dish – Calculate budget – Shopping – Setup a rotation schedule Day 1Day 2Day 3

7 Programme Details – Setup the stalls and cook – Enjoy the food fair! Day 1Day 2Day 3











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