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AMFIC final meeting LAP/Auth validation activities Dimitris Balis & MariLiza Koukouli Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

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Presentation on theme: "AMFIC final meeting LAP/Auth validation activities Dimitris Balis & MariLiza Koukouli Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki."— Presentation transcript:

1 AMFIC final meeting LAP/Auth validation activities Dimitris Balis & MariLiza Koukouli Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2 Task 3.1: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China using ground-based results from the AERONET network. Task 3.2: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over the city of Thessaloniki using a dedicated ground-based Brewer spectrophotometer. Task 3.3: Validation of satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China where ground- based Brewer spectrophotometers exist. Task 3.4: Validation of the satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over the city of Thessaloniki using the coincident to the satellite overpass ground-based Brewer spectrophotometers measurements. Task 3.5: Validation of satellite-retrieved tropospheric O 3 slant columns over selected Chinese and European stations that include ozone sondes. Work package 3: Validation of aerosol properties, SO 2 and O 3 amounts

3 Task 3.1: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China using ground-based results from the AERONET network. With Anu-Maija Sundström, Pekka Kolmonen and Gerrit de Leeuw FMI, Helsinki, Finland

4 Task 3.1: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China using ground-based results from the AERONET network.

5 Aeronet data   AERONET provides globally distributed observations of spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD), inversion products, and precipitable water in diverse aerosol regimes. Aerosol optical depth data are computed for three data quality levels: Level 1.0 (unscreened), Level 1.5 (cloud-screened), and Level 2.0 (cloud-screened and quality-assured). AOD at 675nm & associated Angstrom Exponent

6 AATSR data provided by FMI  AODs from AATSR at 555, 659 & 1060nm.  Over EUROPE for year 2003: One aerosol model tested:  non-absorbing fine particle type & non-absorbing coarse particle type. 30 AATSR European overpasses with AERONET level 1.5 data. 22 AATSR European overpass with AERONET level 2.0 data.  Over CHINA for year 2008: Four aerosol models tested:  CH01_CH02 : sulphate, fine mode & mineral, coarse  DPfi_NeCo: dirty pollution, fine & neutral, coarse  IPfi_NeCo: industrial pollution, fine & neutral, coarse  IPfi_CH01: industrial pollution, fine & sulphate, fine 11 AATSR China overpasses with AERONET level 1.5 data. 4 AATSR China overpass with AERONET level 2.0 data.

7 Europe, coincidences with level 1.5 Aeronet

8 Example : Lecce University, Aeronet level 2.0 for 555 nm

9 Europe, all coincidences with level 1.5 Aeronet for 555nm

10 Europe, all coincidences with level 2.0 Aeronet for 555nm

11 China, coincidences with level 1.5 Aeronet

12 CH01_CH02 : sulphate, fine mode & mineral, coarse

13 DPfi_NeCo: dirty pollution, fine & neutral, coarse

14 IPfi_NeCo: industrial pollution, fine & neutral, coarse

15 IPfi_CH01: industrial pollution, fine & sulphate, fine

16 Task 3.2: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over the city of Thessaloniki using a dedicated ground-based Brewer spectrophotometer.

17 Task 3.2: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over the city of Thessaloniki using a dedicated ground-based Brewer spectrophotometer Koukouli et al., Comparisons of satellite derived aerosol optical depth over a variety of sites in the Southern Balkan region as an indicator of local air quality, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. 6745, 67451V (2007)

18 Task 3.2: Validation of satellite-retrieved aerosol properties over the city of Thessaloniki using a dedicated ground-based Brewer spectrometer & AERONET level 1.5 measurements

19 Task 3.3: Validation of satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China where ground-based Brewer spectrophotometers exist. With Jos van Geffen and Michel Van Roozendael, BIRA, Brusells, Belgium.

20 Task 3.3: Validation of satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China with Brewer spectrophotometers. Three in China & Two in Korea & One in Hong-Kong

21 How is total SO 2 extracted from the Brewer measurements S 0 = the instrumental extraterrestrial constant for SO 2 S = a linear combination of the log of the measured light intensities at 306.3 nm, 316.8 nm and 320.1 nm Δβ′ = the same linear combination of Rayleigh scattering coefficients at the above mentioned wavelengths m = the number of atmospheres along the incident light path Δα = a linear combination of the Ο 3 absorption coefficients μ = the effective pathlength through Ο 3 Δα′ = α linear combination of the SO 2 absorption coefficients μ′ = the effective pathlength through SO 2

22 Example: Hohenpeissenberg, Europe, 47.80°North

23 Northern [upper] & Southern [lower] latitudes around Beijing, 100km – The MaxDOAS results

24 Investigating further into the South-North gradient issue – The MaxDOAS results

25 Task 3.3: Validation of satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over a wide range of geolocations over Europe and China with Brewer spectrophotometers.

26 Summer-winter signal in the monthly mean scatter plots

27 Task 3.4: Validation of the satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over the city of Thessaloniki using the coincident to the satellite overpass ground-based Brewer spectrophotometers measurements. With Jos van Geffen and Michel Van Roozendael, BIRA, Brusells, Belgium.

28 Task 3.4: Discussion of the Thessaloniki Brewer total SO 2 : corrected & uncorrected jumps in the time series

29 Task 3.4: Un-corrected [left] vs corrected [right] Brewer spectrometer histograms.

30 Task 3.4: Validation of the satellite-retrieved SO 2 pollution fields over the city of Thessaloniki using the coincident to the satellite overpass ground-based Brewer spectrophotometers measurements.

31 Task 3.5: Validation of satellite-retrieved tropospheric O 3 slant columns over selected Chinese and European stations that include ozonesondes. With Ronald van der A, Olaf Tuinder and Jacob van Peet, KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlans

32 Task 3.5: Validation of satellite-retrieved tropospheric O 3 slant columns over selected Chinese and European stations that include ozone sondes.

33 The datasets  GOME-2 : tropospheric O 3 columns [TOC] provided from 01.05.2007 to 31.12.2008  Ground-based: 29 ozonesonde stations have coincident measurements within the GOME 2 time frame. Since so few data points exist, all available ozonesondes are used in this study. The ozonesondes provide high resolution vertical ozone profiles.

34 The methodology  The comparison: 1. The ozonesonde profile is convolved into a new profile using the apriori ozone profile and averaging kernels that were used in the GOME-2 analysis as follows: X’ OZONESONDE = X APRIORI + AK * [X OZONESONDE -X APRIORI ] 2. This convolved profile is then integrated up to the tropopause level to a new TOC. 3. The new convolved TOC is compared to the GOME-2 TOC.

35 Example – Hohenpeissenberg

36 Task 3.5: Validation of satellite-retrieved tropospheric O 3 slant columns over selected Chinese and European stations that include ozone sondes.

37 O 3 -Saf GOME2 validation of tropospheric O 3 profiles UTLS consistent overestimation Work of: Andy Delcloo, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium

38 Conclusions  Total AOD from AATSR & AERONET: China: Model using industrial pollution, fine & neutral, coarse particles seems to work best. Europe: Model works well when constricting comparison to results with small variance.  Total SO 2 from Sciamachy & Brewers: Sciamachy often at the noise level. Calibration issues with the Brewers. Some common seasonal variability observed, especially for the winter months.  Tropospheric Ozone from GOME2 & Ozonesondes: Constant offset of around 30 D.U. due to overestimation at the UTLS region, consistent with similar studies.

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