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Human Urinary System Vocabulary ©Richard L. Goldman March 6, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology.

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2 Human Urinary System Vocabulary ©Richard L. Goldman March 6, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology

3 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 antiseptic arteriole aseptic technique asymptomatic azotemia Bowman's capsule calculus calyx catheter cortex cystometer cystoscope radiopaque renal artery renal calculas renal pelvis Inhibits growth of microorganisms The smallest branch of an artery Prevent contamination Without symptoms Excessive waste in the blood End of a renal tubule containing a glomerulus Stone formed of mineral salts Cup-shapted division of the renal pelvis Hollow tube inserted into a body cavity Outer layer of a body organ Instrument that measures bladder capacity Used to view interior of bladder, ureter, or kidney Not permiting the passage of x-rays Supplies the kidneys, adrenal glands, & ureters A stone formation in the kidney The central collecting part of the kidney

4 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 renal tubule renal vein residual urine solute specific gravity toxic turbid uremia ureter urethra urethritis urinary incontinence urinary retention urination urine voiding Tube that leads away from the glomerulus Carries blood away from the kidney. Urine that remains in the bladder after urination. A substance dissolved in a solution Weight of a substance compared water Poisonous. Cloudy. Excessive amounts of waste products in blood Carries urine from the kidney to the bladder Drains urine from bladder out of the body Inflammation of urethra Inability to control urination The inability to empty the bladder. Eliminating urine from the body - micturition The fluid released by the kidneys Eliminating urine from the body - micturition

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