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The Music Connection Music and Other Subject Areas The slides in this presentation will change on their own. To make the slides move faster, you may use.

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Presentation on theme: "The Music Connection Music and Other Subject Areas The slides in this presentation will change on their own. To make the slides move faster, you may use."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Music Connection Music and Other Subject Areas The slides in this presentation will change on their own. To make the slides move faster, you may use your mouse or space button to maneuver the bullet points at a faster rate.

2 Objectives of this Presentation How music connects with other subject areas/Research and ideas used in the music classroom The overall value of music About their child’s music education at Darnell Elementary School This presentation was created to inform parents of… Throughout this presentation, the = sign means “relate to.”

3 Music and Math Spatial & temporal relationships = pitch & rhythm patterns Cognitive skills used to process maths = cognitive skills used to process music Number lines, greater than/less than, order/process = the pitches of the scale, high/low, loud/soft, speed of music Patterns = we read, recognize and create our own patterns in music notation and musical forms Fractions = rhythmic note values Addition and subtraction = beats per measure Graphing = notes and rhythms placed in musical notation

4 Music and Science, part I Sounds around us/musical sound/noises = environmental sound awareness, which is the first step used to develop listening skills Vibration = sound study/experiment (all sound begins with vibration) Sound waves = large sound waves produce low pitches and small sound waves produce high pitches Pitch (high/low) = pitch is directly correlated to the size of the instrument Timbre = different instruments make different sounds based on their product, wood vs. metal instruments Scientific Families = instruments are grouped by their composition and sound (woods, metals, skins, shakers/scrapers)

5 Music and Science, part II Parts of the ear/listening = the parts of the ear that translate sound waves to audible sound Lungs, diaphragm = the way our lungs work and how they can support our vocal sound, weak muscles vs. strong muscles Posture/body alignment = proper body alignment supports our natural instrument’s sound Health = our natural instrument needs to cared for just as other instruments do, the importance of exercise and drinking plenty of water

6 Music and Social Studies Multicultural = singing, dancing, moving, listening, discovering and learning about music from other cultures, instruments and the history of instruments from other countries U.S.A. & its states = singing, dancing, moving, listening, discovering and learning about music from our 50 states Historical periods = historical periods correlate to the musical periods and open up discussions on how history impacts the arts (and other subjects), history & countries of composers

7 Music and Reading Sound discrimination = music relies on the discrimination between sounds in speaking and playing Relation of letters to sound = we read to sing, we relate instruments to their sound Phonemic awareness is promoted by good pitch discrimination (visual parts of words and their spoken sound) = in music we listen to different pitches and discriminate between high and low in our own pitch and that of others Word tracking (following words across the page from left to right, up to down) = we do this when we read music

8 Language & Communication Sight words = we locate and find sight words in our songs as we learn new songs, we practice these words every time we sing the song again Music words = we keep track of the words we learn by keeping an up-to-date word wall, we can spell these words and also know their meaning Non-verbal communication = pictorial representation, sign language, body language, facial expression Other languages other than English = song in other languages, understanding and responding to short phrases in Spanish and German

9 Music at Darnell Elementary Your child’s experiences in music

10 Music Classes at Darnell Elementary Music classes at Darnell… Kindergarten – 25 to 50 minutes per week First through fifth grades – 50 minutes per week Extra-curricular groups: Darnell Chorale (Honor Choir) – 50 minutes per week before school Instrument Ensemble (Orff and Recorder Honor Group) – 50 minutes per week before school The mission of the Darnell Elementary Music Classroom is to listen, sing, play, and move to music in a non-competitive atmosphere where one of the rewards is the pleasure of making good music with others.

11 Children Have the Opportunity to… Learn and practice singing Learn and practice reading music Listen to music play instruments Play musical games Learn, perform, and create dances Learn and use musical terms Identify the forms of music Perform for others Create rhythms, melodies, and harmonies Explore the music of other cultures Show musical expressions Listen and evaluate peer performances Play a wind instrument in preparation for middle school band Work in cooperative groups and alone Do their best Learn the definition of excellence And much, much, more!

12 Music Curriculum All activities in the music classroom are designed to meet our district’s and our national music standards Our curriculum is designed so that all students, regardless of experience and expertise, will find success – all they need to do is participate Our curriculum is designed to fun and engaging – students move to learn, sing to practice, and learn to play instruments so that they can create their own music We speak, sing, move, dance, listen, read, write, and create We work together in small, medium, and large groups to learn, perform, and help others learn

13 To continue improving we need: Parents to support our students and celebrate their successes Students who are willing to learn and help others learn Financial assistance with the purchase of orff instruments for student use

14 So… What’s the Value of Music? Music is Invaluable ! Art Science Math Foreign language Geography History Physical Education Language Reading Health Cultural Exploration Communication Creativity Hand-eye coordination Memory skills Concentration Problem solving skills Teamwork Performing Listening Following directions Self-confidence and Self-esteem Standards of excellence Time management skills Helping others Student Leaders And so much more!

15 For more information about Darnell Elementary’s music program you may contact the school at (702) 799-6630 or email Ms. Van Eaton at here here You can also visit her website Thank you for visiting! Click your mouse or press the space button on your computer to leave this presentation. It will automatically close in 50 seconds. Thank you for visiting!

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