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Vocabulary: Context clues. savvy The student showed a savvy confidence entering the room; he seemed to have an inborn knowledge of the workings of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary: Context clues. savvy The student showed a savvy confidence entering the room; he seemed to have an inborn knowledge of the workings of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary: Context clues

2 savvy The student showed a savvy confidence entering the room; he seemed to have an inborn knowledge of the workings of the world.


4 Savvy means Well informed and perceptive; shrewd: savvy Knowledgeable or proficient. Often used in combination: tech-savvy; media- savvy.

5 Capital vs. capitol I went to our capital, Washington D.C., to visit the capitol building. My husband needs capital to begin his start up.


7 Capital vs. capitol Capital- a. A town or city that is the official seat of government in a political entity, such as a state or nation. b. A city that is the center of a specific activity or industry Capital- money $$$$ Capitol- building

8 Capitol building

9 Impassable The avalanche made the highway impassable. Hints/context clues

10 impassable Not passable; impossible to pass

11 sophomore He was a sophomore in age but a freshman in credits. Sophomoric- immature

12 sophomore. A second-year student in a US college. b. A tenth-grade student in a US high school. 2. A person in the second year of carrying out an endeavor. 3. A three-year-old racehorse, usually in its second year of racing. adj.1. Of or relating to the second year of an endeavor, especially of attending a school or college.

13 intrepid In the face of danger, Annette displayed an intrepid spirit, forging forward to battle the next foe.

14 intrepid adjective Fearless; adventurous, brave Fearlessadventurous

15 ensured Check you bank statement to ensure you have enough money for our date.

16 Ensured- to guarantee, make sure

17 torpor She fell into a torpor, lying on her bed, refusing to move when she was told she could not see her boyfriend for a week.

18 Torpor means a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy. "they veered between apathetic torpor and hysterical fanaticism" synonyms:lethargy, sluggishness, inertia, inactivity, lifelessness, listlessness, languor, lassitude, laziness, idleness, indolence, sloth, acedia, passivity, somnolence, weariness, sleepinesslethargyinertia inactivitylanguor lassitudelazinessindolencesloth acediaweariness sleepiness

19 torpor

20 resignation He gave his resignation letter after embarrassing the President of the United States.

21 Resignation- to quit He gave his resignation letter after embarrassing the President of the United States.

22 Missive Abraham Lincoln sent missives to the generals, but he did not write a letter to his fat wife.

23 Missives- formal word for letter

24 missive (ˈmɪsɪv) n1. a formal or official letter 2. a formal word for letterletter adj

25 shrewd Donald Trump is a shrewd business man.

26 shrewd 1. Having or showing a clever awareness or resourcefulnes s, especially in practical matters. 2. Disposed to or marked by artful and cunning practices ; tricky..

27 Compelling He was compelled to stay after school.

28 compelling adj.1. Urgently requiring attention: a host of compelling socioeconomic problems. 2. Drivingly forceful: compelling ambition and egotism.

29 concise My first period teacher rambles; however, my second period teacher is concise and to the point.

30 Concise means to the point

31 Spelling/vocab. list 1. compelling 2. Intrepid 3. missives 4. concise 5. savvy 6. shrewd 7. capital (money, city) 8. capitol (building) 9. February 10. sophomore 11. impassable 12. ensured ensure 13. resignation 14. college 15. restaurant e.c torpor

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