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Form 4 Parent Information Evening Tuesday 6 th October 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Form 4 Parent Information Evening Tuesday 6 th October 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Form 4 Parent Information Evening Tuesday 6 th October 2015

2 Plan for the Evening  Principal  Head of Year - Mr White  School Counsellor - Mrs Caulfield  Head of Careers – Mrs Browne  Head of School – Mrs Fox Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Principal

3 Purpose of Evening  Awareness/Communication  Big picture  Support  Dealing with the pressure  Proactive You controlling events, rather than events controlling you Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

4 The Year Ahead A lot of teaching completed Key Dates: 13 th Nov - November Report 12 th – 22 nd Jan - Winter Examinations 11 th Feb - Winter Examination Report 9 th March - Form 4 Parent Consultation 15 th April - April Report 12 th – 23 rd May – Summer Examinations 6 th – 7 th June – Work Experience 24 th June - Summer Examination Report Target Setting ongoing including a focused look at targets during registration in Nov and April Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

5 Importance of the Year o Importance of 4 th form in context of two year GCSE course o Controlled Assessment o Modular Exams (LLW) o Relevance of all subject content o Tight schedules for completion of courses o Entry into Sixth Form o 15 Points (A*/A=3, B=2, C=1) o UCAS o Medicine / Dentistry / Physiotherapy / Law / Accountancy / Business Studies / Teaching / Veterinary Sciences etc will seek mostly ‘A’ grades o Curriculum Vitae Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

6 Controlled Assessment  Depends upon subject Weighting Level of Teacher input  Attendance is key Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

7 Obstacles to Success  Social life  TV/Computers  Mobiles  Internet  Missing deadlines  Procrastination  Ignoring problems  Lack of consolidation  Attendance and punctuality Direct link between attendance rate and high quality outcomes Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

8 Support on Offer  Subject Teachers  Form Tutors  HOY  Head of School – Mrs Fox  Head of Careers – Mrs Browne  Exams Officer – Mrs Sullivan  Counsellor School - Mrs Caulfield Outside counselling available  Website – information for parents Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mr White

9 Mrs Caulfield School Counsellor

10 Everything in Context  More support for pupils now than ever  Short period of time  Often pressure needed to produce best results  Unavoidable  Builds resilience and is preparation for later life Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

11 Your son/daughter’s wellbeing is the most important thing  Communication  Organisation  Balance Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

12 Communication  Spend time with your son/daughter  Find ways to get alongside them and be supportive  Show an interest and offer encouragement  Be positive  Key to staying in touch Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

13 Organisation  Help them to be prepared on a daily basis  Get them up earlier/to bed earlier  Help them to allocate and prioritise their time better  Break tasks down into smaller more manageable tasks  Set goals  Plan revision or work/timetables/lists Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

14 Balance  Diet and exercise  Treats/rewards  Support network  Work/leisure TAKE TIME TO SMELL THE ROSES Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

15 What if they still feel overwhelmed?  Contact school HOY School counsellor Family Works Counselling Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

16 To Conclude  Communication  Organisation  Balance  Your child’s wellbeing most important thing  We want to prepare our young people not just for GCSE exams but for life Mrs CaulfieldForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

17 Mrs Browne Head of Careers

18 Our aims for the pupils  Happy  Well-taught  Self-confident  Self-motivated  Well-adjusted  Well-presented  Personal discipline  Good communicators  Problem solvers/thinkers  Managers of Information  Caring  Responsible for actions  Leadership  Academic ambition Form 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15Mrs Fox

19 Conclusion  High expectations  Spirit of service  Sustained momentum  Consolidation  Strive for their best  Support will always be available, if needed Mrs FoxForm 4 Parent Information Evening – 06/10/15

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