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Lesson 2 More identifying emotions Emotion through perception.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2 More identifying emotions Emotion through perception."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2 More identifying emotions Emotion through perception

2 Identifying your own feelings Can you be wrong in identifying your own feelings?

3 Identifying your own feelings Counsellors/friends/parents can help us identify feelings you have not yet noticed yourself – you may be under stress, excited, jealous, or falling in love. Do you think “counselling” helps? Have you ever been “counselled”?

4 Emotional intelligence Understanding our own emotions (intrapersonal intelligence) and the emotions of others (interpersonal intelligence) Which professions/jobs require “emotional intelligence”?

5 Teachers

6 Religious figures

7 Politicians

8 Parents

9 Knowing emotions through perception We cannot always tell someone’s emotion directly through our sense, but we do get clues – body language etc. This can be inconcious and many people can “sense” how others are feeling.

10 Body Language Love! aUE&feature=related aUE&feature=related Longer programme QlRA&feature=related QlRA&feature=related

11 A game! We will take it in turns to enter the room simulating the body language of a particular emotion. Can everyone guess the emotion?

12 Problems with “body language” Misinterpretation – especially with someone we don’t know well or if a person is from a different culture

13 Finally! Is “body language” really a “language” Give reasons!

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