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The Rules of The Tech Lab Mr. Burkhard 2007-2008.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rules of The Tech Lab Mr. Burkhard 2007-2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rules of The Tech Lab Mr. Burkhard 2007-2008

2 Food and Drink No pop, gum, candy or any other sticky type food is allowed in The Tech Lab at any time. No pop, gum, candy or any other sticky type food is allowed in The Tech Lab at any time. Students can have water, but only from enclosed containers. Students can have water, but only from enclosed containers.

3 Music Students are allowed to use MP3 players or CD players when they are working on their computers. NOT during lectures! Students are allowed to use MP3 players or CD players when they are working on their computers. NOT during lectures! No headphones plugged into your computers to listen to streaming music! No headphones plugged into your computers to listen to streaming music!

4 Hats and other headcoverings. School policy forbids the wearing of a hat in the classroom. School policy forbids the wearing of a hat in the classroom. If a student has a hat on in the classroom, it will be confiscated. If a student has a hat on in the classroom, it will be confiscated. Hats are allowed if we go outside as a class. Hats are allowed if we go outside as a class.

5 Cell Phones No Cell Phones allowed in The Tech Lab. (Especially Camera Phones.) No Cell Phones allowed in The Tech Lab. (Especially Camera Phones.) If found, Cell Phones will be taken and given to Principal Ward for redistribution to student’s parents. If found, Cell Phones will be taken and given to Principal Ward for redistribution to student’s parents.

6 Games and Email Access to online games or email in The Tech Lab is strictly prohibited. Access to online games or email in The Tech Lab is strictly prohibited. Students found accessing such sites will lose their computer access for the day and will need to complete a writing assignment to make up for the work missed. Students found accessing such sites will lose their computer access for the day and will need to complete a writing assignment to make up for the work missed. In addition, a letter home will be sent to parents and guardians and a disciplinary form will be completed for Mr. Ward. In addition, a letter home will be sent to parents and guardians and a disciplinary form will be completed for Mr. Ward.

7 My Computer DO NOT touch my teacher’s computer without permission! DO NOT touch my teacher’s computer without permission! This is a violation of the code of conduct and you can be expelled! This is a violation of the code of conduct and you can be expelled!

8 Respecting The Tech Lab Keep your feet off the desks and chairs, don’t throw stuff on the floor. Keep your feet off the desks and chairs, don’t throw stuff on the floor. Please don’t mess with my windchimes, snakes, spiders or other stuff without permission. Please don’t mess with my windchimes, snakes, spiders or other stuff without permission.

9 Passes There will be no Passes given to any students during the first 60 minutes of the class. There will be no Passes given to any students during the first 60 minutes of the class. After the first 60 minutes of class, students may use one of their 3 semester Hall Passes, but you have to sign for it. After the first 60 minutes of class, students may use one of their 3 semester Hall Passes, but you have to sign for it. Used all your 3 passes, don’t ask again! Used all your 3 passes, don’t ask again!

10 Passes- continued Students who refrain from using all of their Hall Passes for an entire semester will receive consideration at the end of a semester with respect to borderline grades. Students who refrain from using all of their Hall Passes for an entire semester will receive consideration at the end of a semester with respect to borderline grades. Students leaving the class on a pass for more than 5 minutes will lose all passes for the rest of the semester. Students leaving the class on a pass for more than 5 minutes will lose all passes for the rest of the semester.

11 Work Ethic Up to 50 percent of the grading for any of our projects will be based upon Work Ethic. Up to 50 percent of the grading for any of our projects will be based upon Work Ethic. Hard work will be rewarded in this class. Hard work will be rewarded in this class. If you turn in crap, I will give you an automatic Zero and your work will be returned to you. If you turn in crap, I will give you an automatic Zero and your work will be returned to you.

12 Turning in Assignments Work will be submitted via the Network and Student Folders. Work will be submitted via the Network and Student Folders. Improperly submitted projects will receive a ZERO. Improperly submitted projects will receive a ZERO.

13 Inappropriate Content Accessing inappropriate material on the Internet is forbidden. This includes: Accessing inappropriate material on the Internet is forbidden. This includes: –Any images of clothing (or lack thereof) that violate the school dress code. –Any sites related to violence, guns, alcohol or drugs, unless specifically connected to a school assignment.

14 Inappropriate Content, Step One The student will immediately lose all computer network privileges for a total of one calendar week. The student will immediately lose all computer network privileges for a total of one calendar week.

15 Inappropriate Content, Step Two The student, as they will be unable to use the computers in the classroom, will be expected to complete an extensive longhand writing assignment covering the classroom material for the coming week. If the student refuses to complete the assignment, their classroom grade will suffer. The student, as they will be unable to use the computers in the classroom, will be expected to complete an extensive longhand writing assignment covering the classroom material for the coming week. If the student refuses to complete the assignment, their classroom grade will suffer.

16 Inappropriate Content, Step Three I will send home a letter to the Parents and/or Guardians of the student, explaining exactly what actions have occurred in the classroom and the disciplinary consequences. I will send home a letter to the Parents and/or Guardians of the student, explaining exactly what actions have occurred in the classroom and the disciplinary consequences.

17 Inappropriate Content, Step Four I will complete a “Corrective Discipline” Counselling form for the student. If a student requires such disciplinary action on four occasions, steps will be taken to permanently remove the student from the classroom. I will complete a “Corrective Discipline” Counselling form for the student. If a student requires such disciplinary action on four occasions, steps will be taken to permanently remove the student from the classroom.

18 Serious Offenses. Any instances of the following will result in immediate loss of all computer access privileges and Expulsion from The Tech Lab: Any instances of the following will result in immediate loss of all computer access privileges and Expulsion from The Tech Lab: –Accessing pornography. –Use of the computer to intimidate or harass others. –Computer Vandalism.

19 The “G” Word and its Friends and Relatives The “G” Word and its Friends and Relatives

20 Visitors I hate visitors during class. I hate visitors during class. If you invite a friend into the classroom at any time without permission, expect to be disciplined. If you invite a friend into the classroom at any time without permission, expect to be disciplined.

21 Using The Tech Lab No students will be allowed to access The Tech Lab before school (I am not awake yet). No students will be allowed to access The Tech Lab before school (I am not awake yet). Tech Lab can be accessed during Mr. B’s planning periods with permission. Tech Lab can be accessed during Mr. B’s planning periods with permission. The Tech Lab will be available after school for Open Computer Use. There will be no more than 20 students allowed at a time. The Tech Lab will be available after school for Open Computer Use. There will be no more than 20 students allowed at a time.

22 The Big List of 10 Things That Will Get You In Trouble Eating sticky food or pop. Eating sticky food or pop. Streaming music or movies. Streaming music or movies. Offensive Language/ The “G” Word. Offensive Language/ The “G” Word. Drug/Violence related material. Drug/Violence related material. Pornography. Pornography. Online Games and Email. Online Games and Email. Inviting Guests. Inviting Guests. Vandalism. Vandalism. Computer Intimidation. Computer Intimidation. Touching my Computer. Touching my Computer.

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