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HEALTH SERVICES Involves the management and preservation of good health, the prevention and treatment of ill health. Health care can be provided for parents,

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Presentation on theme: "HEALTH SERVICES Involves the management and preservation of good health, the prevention and treatment of ill health. Health care can be provided for parents,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HEALTH SERVICES Involves the management and preservation of good health, the prevention and treatment of ill health. Health care can be provided for parents, carers, families and those being cared for by a range of healthcare professionals and services EARLY CHILDHOOD HEALTH CENTRES PARENTS TELEPHONE HELPLINES HOME AND COMMUNITY CARE KARITANE

2 WELFARE AGENCIES Are support services that help to meet the needs of parents and carers. They provide services including counselling, telephone support, accommodation, spiritual advice and financial and legal support, to help both parents and carers with their caring responsibilities St Vincent de Paul Society Intereach The Salvation Army Anglicare

3 PARENTING GROUPS Provide information, guidance and support to parents and carers. Some parenting groups, such as Parentline, offer general advice relevant to all parents. Others offer specific information related to the specialised needs of some parents. Parentline The Fatherhood Project Australian Breastfeeding Association Mensline Australia Family Life Australian Multiple Birth Association Babybumps

4 COMMUNITY GROUPS Are groups of people or an organisation that has come together to pursue a common goal for the good of the community. There are many community groups that help to support parents and carers with their everyday roles. Meals on Wheels Mothers groups, parents groups and playgroups Hammond Care Parents without Partners

5 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES Offer advice and financial support to parents and carers. They assist with a range of issues, including family crises and financial difficulties. Centrelink National Respite for Carers Program Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care Department of Industrial Relations Department of Community Services

6 CHILDCARE SERVICES Provide care for young children while their parents or carers manage their other responsibilities and commitments, such as work or leisure activity. Family day care Vacation care Preschool Before and after school care Long day care and occasional – care childcare centres

7 CARER’S SUPPORT GROUPS Offer advice, understanding and support to both paid and unpaid carers. Carer’s NSW MS Australia Alzheimer’s Australia Kinder Caring Australian Foster Care Association

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