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The Aeneid Book 12 By Jess Campbell & Deanna Szabo.

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1 The Aeneid Book 12 By Jess Campbell & Deanna Szabo

2 Book 12 Summary Turnus decides that he alone will fight Aeneas. If he should win he would become the ruler of the kingdom and he would win Lavina’s hand in marriage. In fear for Turnus’s life King Latinus and Queen Amata protest on Turnus fighting Aeneas. They would rather for him to surrender and protect his life. Turnus disagrees for he would rather protect his honor than his life. King Latinus goes to create the treaty with Aeneas for the next days ceremony. All of people thought the city gather around in the field in front of the city. Juno is worried about Aeneas outmatching Turnus. Juno goes to Turnus’s sister Juturna and warns her about her brother’s safety. Both Turnus and Aeneas make their vows on the altar in front of their people. Juturna intervenes and disguises herself as a noble officer named Camers. She goes to the Latins and convinces them to break the treaty and attack the Trojans while they’re off guard. Juturna eventually does convince them to attack, and one soldier bolts out of the pack and throws a spear at a young Trojan. Both armies are furious and charge at each other in combat. Aeneas tries to yell for his troops to stop, but an arrow wounds him in the leg and he is forced to retreat

3 Book 12 Summary Continued
Turnus while seeing Aeneas retreat, becomes over confident and goes on a killing spree through the battlefield. Turnus arrives at the camp and finds out that the physician can not take out the arrow in his leg. Venus looking out for her son sends down a healing bomb. The physician is then able to remove the arrow for Aeneas. Aeneas goes back to battle and both Aeneas and Turnus kill many men. Aeneas realizes that the kingdom is unguarded, and attacks the city, with its panicking citizens. Queen Amata sees the attack occurring and hangs herself because she has lost all hope. Turnus goes back to the city and agrees to fight Aeneas one on one to end the Latin's sufferings as they had agreed that morning. Both Aeneas and Turnus exchange fierce blows with their swords. When Turnus strikes, his sword suddenly breaks off at the hilt—in his quickness, he had grabbed some other soldier’s weaker sword. Turnus flees from Aeneas, calling for his real sword, which Juturna finally furnishes for him. Juno observes the action from above, and Jupiter asks her why she bothers—she already knows the struggle’s inevitable outcome. Juno finally gives in and consents to abandon her grudge against Aeneas, on one condition: she wants the victorious Trojans to take on the name and the language of the Latin's, and Jupiter gladly agrees. Jupiter sends down one of the Furies, who assumes the form of a bird and flaps and shrieks in front of Turnus, filling him with terror and weakening him. Seeing Turnus waver, Aeneas casts his mighty spear and strikes Turnus’s leg, and Turnus tumbles to the ground. As Aeneas advances, Turnus pleads for mercy for the sake of his father. Aeneas is moved—but just as he decides to let Turnus live, he sees the belt of Pallas tied around Turnus’s shoulder. As Aeneas remembers the slain youth, his rage returns in a surge. In the name of Pallas, Aeneas drives his sword into Turnus, killing him.

4 Interventions of the gods
Juno- Intervenes to protect Turnus by getting his sister. Outcome- This gets the Latins to break the treaty. Venus- Gives Aeneas the healing bomb that he needed for his wound. Outcome-This allowed Aeneas to go back to the battle. Jupiter- Sends the Furies down to Turnus and foretells the truth of the victor to Juno Outcome- One of the Furies weakened Turnus and gave Aeneas the chance to claim his victory that was foretold.

5 Most Significant Event
The meeting between Juno and Juturna when Juno asks Juturna to help her brother Turnus.

6 Important Quotes Explained
“And neck and shoulder stream with gouts of blood while the grove resounds with their bellowing Aeneas of Troy and Daunuian Turnus clash their shields, and the colossal din filled their fragment. Almighty Jove balanced the two heroes in his scales to see which would be doomed and sink to his death. Thinking the time propitious Turnus led and put his whole weight behind a single sword thrust.”~ Jupiter pg. 346 “Trojan! This is a bed of western land you lie on, this is the measure of your conquest- you who try to try me with that sword! Your bones are your city’s foundations!”~Turnus to Eumedes pg. 351 “Look, I can cast a javelin, I can stab with the best of them, the wounds I inflict bleed to death. Aeneas’ mother-goddess will not be there to shroud her son’s retreat in mist-a typical woman’s trick-or hide themselves in empty shadow.”~ Turnus to King Latinus & Queen Amata pg. 340

7 Characters Met Juno- *Wife to Jupiter, and against the Trojans.
*Ruler of the gods, and mortals. Juturna- *Goddess of springs and streams. Sister of Turnus. Venus- *Goddess of love and mother to Aeneas. Aeneas- Son of the goddess Venus. Leader of the Trojans quest to found a city, and protagonist of the book. Turnus- *Leader of the forces against Aeneas. A suitor to Lavinia favored by her mother, and he is a lot of the times over confident. Latinus- *King of Latium, and head of the Italian forces, along with Aeneas’s army. Amata- * Wife to Latinus, and supporter to Turnus.

8 Characters Continued…
Camers- *Warrior that attacked a young Trojan, and broke the treaty. Eumedes- *Trojan warrior killed by Turnus. Furies- Punishes those who have committed evil for all eternity.

9 Character analysis ~ Mortals
Aeneas- Defeats Turnus at the end of book 12. He is a foil to Turnus and shows respect for the dead and the young. Turnus- Becomes over confident and eventually is defeated by Aeneas. Latinus- King of Latina and ally to Aeneas. He eventually becomes widowed by the end of book 12. Amata- Stands by Turnus throughout the war but eventually Loses all hope for Turnus and commits suicide. Lavinia- She is forced between the marriage of Aeneas or Turnus by her parents. Camers- Attacked a Trojan soldier and broke the treaty. Eumedes- Is a Trojan warrior killed by Turnus, and that showed how Turnus is a foil to Aeneas, because Aeneas has more pride and honor in war and respects the dead.

10 Character analysis ~ Deities
Juno- She favors the Latins and especially Turnus Intervenes and retrieves Turnus’s sister Juturna. Jupiter - Sends down the Furies to Turnus and helped Aeneas win his battle as foreshadowed. Venus- Sent help down to her son, which allowed him to get back into the battle and eventually be victorious. Juturna- Watches over Turnus, and is brought by Juno. The Furies- Attack Turnus under the command of Zeus, and leaves Aeneas with an open shot to kill Turnus. Gives Aeneas a healing bomb to heal his leg wound, so he could return back to war.

11 Epic conventions Epithets: Fierce man- Aeneas
King of Olympus- Jupiter/Jove Speeches: Pg Aeneas Pg Juturna

12 Symbolism Furies symbolized the end of the war.
The sword symbolized Turnus’ doom. Furies symbolized the end of the war. The belt from the Trojan boy symbolized the Turnus’own fate.

13 Figurative language “Aeneas’ eyes drank in the sight-emblem of bitter grief.” “A natural fiery fury burst from his breasts impeccable as an African lion’s frenzy.” “As soon as dawn tomorrow lights the sky with her glowing wheel” “The sour cry of men battling” “Earth groaned: their swords clashed faster and faster clashed”

14 Discussion What was the importance of the meeting between Juno and Juturna? What became of this meeting?

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