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The Senses & Vision p. 614. 1. What are the five senses? 1.Vision 2.Hearing 3.Smell 4.Taste 5.Touch.

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Presentation on theme: "The Senses & Vision p. 614. 1. What are the five senses? 1.Vision 2.Hearing 3.Smell 4.Taste 5.Touch."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Senses & Vision p. 614


3 1. What are the five senses? 1.Vision 2.Hearing 3.Smell 4.Taste 5.Touch



6 2. What is the overall function of the senses? Pick up specific information about the environment.

7 3. How do the senses work? They each change information to nerve impulses and send those impulses to the brain.

8 4. How do eyes enable people to see? Eyes respond to the stimulus of light. They convert this stimulus to nerve impulses that your brain interprets. lightnerve impulses




12 5. What are the structures of the eye? Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve

13 5. What are the functions of the structures of the eye?

14 Cornea – clear tissue that covers the front of the eye Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve

15 Pupil – opening through which light enters the eye; appears as a dark circle. Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve

16 Iris –surrounds pupil and regulates the amount of light entering the eye. Gives eye its color (blue, brown, green, etc) Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve





21 Sclera – tough, thick, white, outer covering of the eye. Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve

22 Vitreous humor – thick, transparent jelly- like fluid. Vitreous humor Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve

23 Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve Retina – layer of light sensitive cells that detect the image.


25 Optic nerve – bundle of nerve fibers that carry information from the retina to the brain. Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve



28 Lens – clear and flexible; focuses light. Vitreous Humor Lens Sclera Pupil Cornea Iris retina Optic Nerve




32 6. What are the 2 types of receptor cells in the retina? Rod cells: –work in dim light –enable you to see black, white, and shades of grey. Cone cells: –work in bright light –enable you to see colors.



35 7. How does the lens affect the light? The lens bends the light rays, and produces an upside down and reversed image.


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