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Warm Up Poem Week 7. Type the following text. There was a man who stayed in bed Till mushrooms sprouted from his head. He soundly slept for years and.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Poem Week 7. Type the following text. There was a man who stayed in bed Till mushrooms sprouted from his head. He soundly slept for years and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Poem Week 7

2 Type the following text. There was a man who stayed in bed Till mushrooms sprouted from his head. He soundly slept for years and years, While flowers blossomed from his ears. His arms grew covered with green moss, As tiny termites slowly crossed Between his legs and round his toes, While bugs and ants crawled in his nose. A robin stole hair from his chest To warm its little feathered nest. And slowly on his skinny knee, There grew an elderberry tree. A thousand years he simply lied Until his body petrified. All of his skin and flesh and bones Had turned to pebbles, rocks, and stones, This lazy man without a care, Who someday wasn’t even there. The Lazy Man By Shel Silverstein

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