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Introduction to Biostatistics (ZJU 2008) Wenjiang Fu, Ph.D Associate Professor Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology Michigan State University.

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2 Introduction to Biostatistics (ZJU 2008) Wenjiang Fu, Ph.D Associate Professor Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA Email: www:

3 Logistic regression model  Why use logistic regression?  Estimation by maximum likelihood  Coefficients Interpretation  Hypothesis testing  Evaluating the performance of the model

4 Why logistic regression?  Many important research topics in which the dependent variable is Binary.  eg. disease vs no disease, damage vs no damage, death vs live, etc.  Binary logistic regression is a type of regression analysis where the dependent variable is a dummy variable: coded 0 (absence of disease) or 1 (presence of a disease), etc.  To explain the variability of the binary variable by other variables, either continuous or categorical, such as age, sex, BMI, marriage status, socio-economic status, etc. use a statistical model to relate the probability of the response event to the explanatory variables.

5 Logistic Regression Model  Event (Y = 1), no event (Y = 0) want to model the mean: E(Y) = P(Y=1) * 1 + P(Y=0) *0 = P(Y=1) but π = P(Y=1) is between 0 and 1 and is bounded the linear predictor β 0 + x 1 β 1 + x 2 β 2 + x 3 β 3 +… is a the linear predictor β 0 + x 1 β 1 + x 2 β 2 + x 3 β 3 +… is a linear combination and may take any value. The "logit" model solves this problem. Single independent variable: ln [p/(1-p)] =  +  X ln [p/(1-p)] =  +  X where the probability p = p(Y=1 | X)  p/(1-p) is the "odds" - ratio of the probabilities an event to occur versus not to occur under condition A.  ln[p/(1-p)] is the “log odds” or "logit probability"

6 More:  The logistic distribution constrains the estimated probabilities to lie between 0 and 1.  The estimated probability is: p=1/[1+exp(-  -  X)] = exp(  +  X) / [1+exp(  +  X)] = exp(  +  X) / [1+exp(  +  X)]  if you let  +  X =0, then p =.50  as  +  X gets really big, p approaches 1  as  +  X gets really small, p approaches 0

7 Comparing LinReg and Logit Models Y=0 Y=1 LinReg Model Logit Model

8 Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)  MLE is a statistical method for estimating the coefficients of a model.  The likelihood function (L) measures the probability of observing the particular set of dependent variable values (Y 1 =y 1, …, Y n =y n ) L = Prob (y 1,y 2,…,y n ) The higher the L, the higher the probability of observing the sample data at hand.

9 Maximum Likelihood Estimator  MLE involves finding the coefficients ( ,  ) that makes the log of the likelihood function (logLik < 0) as large as possible  The maximum likelihood estimator maximizes following likelihood function Where p = exp(  +  X ) / [ 1+ exp(  +  X ) ]

10 Maximum Likelihood Estimator  Or equivalently, the MLE maximizes the log-likelihood function Where p = exp(  +  X ) / [ 1+ exp(  +  X ) ]  MLE is biased estimator, but consistent (by large sample theory, the estimator converges to the true model parameters fast enough as sample size increases). Link Function

11 Interpretation of Coefficients  Since ln [ p/(1-p) ] =  +  X The slope  is interpreted as the rate of change in the "log odds" as X changes … not very useful.  More useful: p = Pr (Y=1|X). p / (1-p) is the odds with condition X.  Example. X: smoker; Y=1 Lung Ca. p/(1-p) is odds of Lung Ca w.r.t smoke.

12 Interpretation of Coefficients  If X is continuous, exp(  ) measures the change of odds with one unit increase of X.  ln (OR) = ln [odds(X+1)] - ln [odds(X)] = ln [ p(Y=1|X+1 ) / (1-p(Y=1|X+1)) ] = ln [ p(Y=1|X+1 ) / (1-p(Y=1|X+1)) ] – ln [ p(Y=1|X) / (1-p(Y=1|X)) ] – ln [ p(Y=1|X) / (1-p(Y=1|X)) ] =  +  (X+1) – (  +  X) =   ln(OR)=   OR=exp(  )

13  If X is binary, exp(  ) measures the change of odds for one group compared to the second ln [p(Y=1|X=1 ) /(1-p(Y=1|X=1)) ] – ln [p(Y=1|X=0) / (1-p(Y=1|X=0)) ] =  + .1 –(  + .0) =   ln(OR) =   OR = exp(  ) Interpretation of Coefficients

14 Interpretation of parameter β Model : logit ( p ) = β 0 + x 1 β 1 Y=1Y=0X=1 X=0

15 Model Assessment There are several statistics which can be used for comparing alternative models or evaluating the performance of a single model:  LRT, Wald tests  Percent Correct Predictions

16 Model Chi-Squares Statistic  The model likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic is LR = [-2 lik (Reduced model)] - [-2 lik (Full model)] Example: test of , LR = -2 [lik (  ) -lik ( ,  ) ] lik (  ) is likelihood of model with only the intercept lik ( ,  ) is a model with the intercept and X  The LR statistic follows a chi-squares distribution with r degrees of freedom, where r=difference in numbers of parameters between the two models  Use the LRT statistic to determine if the overall model is statistically significant.

17 Percent Correct Predictions  Predicted outcome (majority vote method) if predicted prob Pr(x) ≥ 0.5, assign y = 1 otherwise assign y = 0  Compare the predicted outcome y and the actual outcome y and compute the percentage of correct outcomes. ^ ^ ^

18 An Example:

19 Testing significance of variables  Omitted variable(s) can result in bias in the coefficient estimates. To test for omitted variables you can conduct a likelihood ratio test: LR[q] = {[-2 lik (constrained model, i=k-q)] - [-2 lik (unconstrained model, i=k)]} where LR follows chi-squares distribution with q degrees of freedom, with q = 1 or more omitted variables

20 An Example: B/se(B)

21 Constructing the LR Test “Since the chi-squared value is less than the critical value the set of coefficients is not statistically significant. The full model is not an improvement over the partial model.”

22 Multiple Logistic regression  Prob of event labeled as binary outcome  Logistic regression model: logit function. log [ π / (1- π )] = β 0 + x 1 β 1 +… + x p β p = η equivalent to p = exp(η) / [ 1+ exp(η) ] Why need multiple logistic regression? Simple RxC table cannot solve all problems, and can be misleading.

23 Multiple Logistic Regression- Formulation The relationship between π and x is S-shaped The logit (log-odds) transformation (link function)

24  Individually H o : β k = 0  Globally H o : β m =… β m+t = 0 while controlling for confounders and other important determinants of the event Multiple Logistic Regression Assess risk factors

25 Interpretation of the parameters  If π is the probability of an event and O is the odds for that event then  The link function in logistic regression gives the log- odds

26 Example: Snoring & Heart Disease  An epidemiologic study surveyed 2484 subjects to examine whether snoring was a possible risk factor for heart disease. Snoring NearlyEvery Heart Disease NeverOccasional Every night Night Yes24352130 No1355603192224 Prop(yes).

27 Constructing Indicator variables  Let Z 1 =1 if occasional, 0 otherwise  Let Z 2 =1 if nearly every night, 0 otherwise  Let Z 3 =1 if every night, 0 otherwise

28 SAS Codes data hd; input hd $ snoring $ count; Z1=(snoring="occa");Z2=(snoring="nearly");Z3=(snoring="every");cards; yes never 24 yes occa 35 yes nearly 21 yes every 30 no never 1355 no occa 603 no nearly 192 no every 224 ; run; proc logistic data=hd descending; model hd (event=‘yes’) =Z1 Z2 Z3; freq count; run;

29 SAS OUTPUT Ordered Total Value hd Frequency 1 yes 110 2 no 2374 Probability modeled is hd='yes'. Model Convergence Status Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. Model Fit Statistics Intercept Intercept and Criterion Only Covariates AIC 902.827 842.923 SC 908.645 866.193 -2 Log L 900.827 834.923 Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 Test Chi-Square DF Pr LikRatio 65.9045 3 <.0001 Score 72.7821 3 <.0001 Wald 58.9513 3 <.0001

30 The LOGISTIC Procedure Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates Standard Wald Param DF Estimate Error Chi-Square P Inter 1 -4.0335 0.2059 383.6641 <.0001 Z1 1 1.1869 0.2695 19.3959 <.0001 Z2 1 1.8205 0.3086 34.8027 <.0001 Z3 1 2.0231 0.2832 51.0313 <.0001 Odds Ratio Estimates Point 95% Wald Effect Estimate Confidence Limits Z1 3.277 1.932 5.558 Z2 6.175 3.373 11.306 Z3 7.561 4.341 13.172

31 Calculating Probabilities  The fitted logistic regression function is Logit( π )= -4.0335 + 1.1869 Z 1 + 1.8205 Z 2 + 2.0231 Z 3  So, the probability of heart disease if never snore is exp(-4.0335) / (1+exp(-4.0335))=.0174  If snore occasionally, exp(-4.0335+1.1869) / (1+exp(-4.0335 +1.1869)) exp(-4.0335+1.1869) / (1+exp(-4.0335 +1.1869)) =.0549 =.0549

32 Calculating Odds Ratios  If Z 1 =Z 2 =Z 3 =0, then odds are exp(-4.0335)  If Z 2 =Z 3 =0, but Z 1 =1, then odds are exp(-4.0335+1.1869)  The ratio of odds is then exp(1.1869) = 3.2769  Interpretation: Compared with people who never snore, people who snore occasionally are 3.28 times as likely to develop heart disease.  What is the odds ratio for comparing those who snore nearly every night with occasional snorers?  What is the odds ratio for comparing those who snore every night with those who snore nearly every night?

33 Example – Genetic Association study  Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is known to be associated with age and gender (older and male are more likely)  One study had 174 cases and 225 controls found association of IPF with one gene genotype COX2.8473 (C  T).  P-value by Pearson Chi-squares test: p = 0.0241.  Q: Is this association true? GenotypeCCCTTTtotal Case887214174 Control8411328225 Total17218542399

34 Example on genetic study  Logistic regression model logit [Pr(IPF)] = intercept + snp + sex + age  Results: Wald EffectDFChi-squareP-value SNP22.78110.2489 sex19.11720.0025 age1 100.454<.0001

35 Example on genetic study  Investigate why it happens by age and sex  Disease (N-normal; D-disease) by age 0-2930-4950-6465-7475+ N 104 77 35 7 2 D 0 10 42 68 54 T 104 87 77 75 56

36 Example on genetic study  Investigate why it happens by age and sex  Disease (N-normal; D-disease) by sex malefemale N 72 153 D 108 66 T180 219

37 Example on genetic study  Investigate why it happens by age and sex SNP genotype by sex malefemale CC 79 93 CT 75 110 TT 26 16 Total180 219 Pearson Chi-squares test X 2 = 6.3911, p = 0.0409

38 Example on genetic study  Investigate why it happens by age and sex  Age class by genotype CCCTTT 29 3658 10 30-49 3442 11 50-64 353210 65-74 3730 8 75+ 3023 3 T172 185 42 Pearson Chi-squares test X 2 = 10.01, p = 0.2643

39 Loglinear regression model  Why use loglinear regression? Often, observations are counts (>0, and may be = 0), with potential number of people exposed to risk (total population at risk).  Estimation by maximum likelihood estimator or loglik function or loglik function Link function

40 R program for Logistic and Loglinear models  Both logistic and loglinear models are special generalized linear models (GLM)  R uses a function ‘glm’ for fitting GLM models with different link function:  Logistic regression: binomial family  Loglinear regression: Poisson family  Logistic: fit <- glm(as.factor(y)~x, family = binomial (link = logit)) fit <- glm(as.factor(y)~x, family = binomial (link = logit))  Loglinear: fit <- glm(y~x, family = poisson (link = log))

41 R output for Logistic and Loglinear models  > fit  Call: glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial(link = logit))  Coefficients:  (Intercept) x1 x2 x3  -0.725709 0.014827 0.015248 0.007396  x4  0.041097  Degrees of Freedom: 19 Total (i.e. Null); 15 Residual  Null Deviance: 24.43  Residual Deviance: 21.22 AIC: 31.22

42 R output for Logistic  > summary(fit)  Call:  glm(formula = y ~ x, family = binomial(link = logit))  Deviance Residuals:  Min 1Q Median 3Q Max  -1.3708 -0.9643 -0.3896 1.2518 1.6197  Coefficients:  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  (Intercept) -0.725709 1.988678 -0.365 0.715  x1 0.014827 0.021880 0.678 0.498  x2 0.015248 0.022781 0.669 0.503  x3 0.007396 0.018840 0.393 0.695  x4 -0.041097 0.030172 -1.362 0.173  (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)  Null deviance: 24.435 on 19 degrees of freedom  Residual deviance: 21.223 on 15 degrees of freedom


44 Disease Rate (Per 10 5 ) and Frequency 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 20 - 24 0.1520.1120.1530.143 25 - 29 1.22140.5281.24230.8016 30 - 34 3.15452.94372.01321.4527 Age Year Birth Cohort

45 Statistical Models Loglinear model Loglinear model log(ER ij ) = log (n ij ) +  +  i +  j +  ij  intercept ; ER ij expected freq. in cell (i, j), n ij population-yrs of expos – offset term.  1, …,  a row (age) effects,  a i=1  i = 0  1, …,  a row (age) effects,  a i=1  i = 0  1, …,  p column (period) effects,  1, …,  p column (period) effects,  p j=1  j = 0  ij interaction effects,   ij = 0  ij interaction effects,   ij = 0

46 Statistical Models APC loglinear model APC loglinear model log(ER ij ) = log (n ij ) +  +  i +  j +  k  intercept ; ER ij expected freq. in cell (i, j),  intercept ; ER ij expected freq. in cell (i, j), n ij popul-yrs of expos – offset term. n ij popul-yrs of expos – offset term.  1, …,  a row (age) effects,  i=1 a  i = 0  1, …,  a row (age) effects,  i=1 a  i = 0  1, …,  p column (period) effects,  j=1 p  j = 0  1, …,  p column (period) effects,  j=1 p  j = 0  1, …,  a+p-1 diagonal (cohort) effects,  1, …,  a+p-1 diagonal (cohort) effects,  k=1 a+p-1  k = 0

47 Problem  Linear dependency among covariates: Period – Age = Cohort Period – Age = Cohort  Rows, columns and diagonals on a Lexis diagram  Multiple estimators !

48 Disease Rate (Per 10 5 ) and Frequency 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 20 - 24 0.1520.1120.1530.143 25 - 29 1.22140.5281.24230.8016 30 - 34 3.15452.94372.01321.4527 Age Year

49 Matrix form Models in matrix form Models in matrix form log(ER) = log (n) + X b log(ER) = log (n) + X b b = ( ,  1,…  a-1,  1,…,  p-1,  1, …,  a+p-2 ) T X singular design matrix : 1–less than full rank

50 Matrix form Regression design Matrix (X) for APC model with 3x3 table Regression design Matrix (X) for APC model with 3x3 table  [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]  [1,] 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0  [2,] 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1  [3,] 1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1  [4,] 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0  [5,] 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0  [6,] 0 1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1  [7,] -1 -1 1 0 1 0 0 0  [8,] -1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 0  [9,] -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 0  Eigen values of (X T X):  12.16 9.23 4.98 3.35 3.00 2.15 1.12 0.00

51 R-program to generate APC Matrix apcmat1 <- function (a = 3, p = 3) { ## construct APC matrix for APC analysis x <- matrix(0, a*p, 2*(a+p-2)) gammac <- rbind( diag(1, a+p-2), -1) for (i in 1:(a-1)) { x[(i-1)*p+(1:p), i] <- 1# for alpha x[(i-1)*p+(1:(p-1)), a:(a+p-2)] <- diag(1,p-1) # for beta x[i*p, a:(a+p-2)] <- -1 for (j in 1:p) x[(i-1)*p+j, -1:-(a+p-2) ] <- gammac [a-i+j, ] x[(i-1)*p+j, -1:-(a+p-2) ] <- gammac [a-i+j, ]} for (j in 1:p) x[(a-1)*p+j, -1:-(a+p-2)] <- gammac[j, ] # last block (row in apc table) for gamma # last block (row in apc table) for gamma gammac <- NULL x[(a-1)*p+(1:p), 1:(a-1)] <- -1 # last block (row in apc table) for alpha x[(a-1)*p+(1:(p-1)), a:(a+p-2)] <- diag(1, p-1) # last block (row in apc table) for beta x[a*p, a:(a+p-2)] <- -1 x}

52 11 11 11 22 22 22       aa  pp   a+p-1 


54 Challenge - Identification  Constraint on parameters (Kupper et al, 1985) One more constraint  trend determination One more constraint  trend determination But diff constraint  diff trend But diff constraint  diff trend




58 Challenge - Identification  Conclusion: all estimators are biased  Except one With constraint satisfied by true parameters of model With constraint satisfied by true parameters of model Not verifiable !! Not verifiable !!  Identifiability problem !  Mystery?

59 Previous Methods  Estimable functions ( Fienberg + Mason 1979, Clayton + Schifflers 1987, Holford 1985, 1991 ) Clayton + Schifflers 1987, Holford 1985, 1991 ) Indep. of selection of constraint Indep. of selection of constraint Invariant characteristics of trends Invariant characteristics of trends Nonlinear components estimable – curvature Nonlinear components estimable – curvature Linear component (slope) not estimable ! Linear component (slope) not estimable !


61 Previous Conclusion  Identifiability problem - difficult ! Linear trends are not estimable (Numerically) ! Linear trends are not estimable (Numerically) ! Kupper et al (1985), Holfold (1985, 1991), Kupper et al (1985), Holfold (1985, 1991), Clayton and Schifflers (1987), Clayton and Schifflers (1987), Fienberg and Mason (1979, 1985). Fienberg and Mason (1979, 1985).  Kupper et al. (1985) provided a condition for estimable function.  Mystery ?

62 Approach ? Multiple estimators ! How to pick up a “correct one” ? How to pick up a “correct one” ? Hint: think about math, not statistics !

63 Structure of Estimators Each Estimator b = B + tB 0 B 0 eigen-vector of X T X : eigen-value 0. ||B 0 || = 1, indep. of disease rate t arbitrary real number t arbitrary real number B orthogonal to B 0, uniquely determined B orthogonal to B 0, uniquely determined by disease /event rate ^

64 B 0 Independent of Rate  Kupper et al. (1985): B * = (0 A P C) A = [ 1 - (a+1)/2, …, (a-1) – (a+1)/2 ]  P = [-1+(p+1)/2, …, -(p-1) + (p+1)/2 ]  C = [ 1- (a+p)/2, …, (a+p -1) – (a+p)/2]  B 0 = B* / ||B*||

65 Estimable Function Theorem 1  E(B) is estimable, determines both linear and nonlinear components of trend; B = (I – B 0 B 0 T ) b  E(B) is the only estimable function that determines both linear and nonlinear components; L b = L(B+tB 0 ) = LB + tLB 0 = LB ^ ^

66 Geometry for Estimable E(B) O B B0B0 t1B0t1B0 t2B0t2B0 ^ b2b2 ^ b1b1

67 Constraint  Quantitative constraints Specify relationship between parameters Specify relationship between parameters Require a priori knowledge of event /disease Require a priori knowledge of event /disease  Qualitative constraints Require no a priori knowledge Require no a priori knowledge

68 Properties of B  Intrinsic to dis./event: arbitrary tB 0 removed  Only estimable function  linear+nonlinear  Robust estimation by sensitivity analysis  Consistent estimation for intercept and age effects ,  1, …,  a-1 as p   ?

69 New Method - Intrinsic Estimator  Structure of estimators : B + tB 0  Intrinsic estimator : B Determined by removing tB 0 – arbitrary term Determined by removing tB 0 – arbitrary term  Effective trend : trend determined by B

70 Cervical Cancer Mortality

71 age Calendar year

72 Homicide Arrest Rate

73 On-line Software APCsoft  Based on IE method:   Web-based software  Need to upload excel files.  Output analysis results and dynamic graphics.  Dynamic graph.

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