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Jeopardy. To change so as to fit a new situation $100 What is to adapt?

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy. To change so as to fit a new situation $100 What is to adapt?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy

2 To change so as to fit a new situation $100 What is to adapt?

3 The source of energy the plant is using to produce it’s own food. $100 What is the sun?

4 A community of living things and their environment. $100 What is ecosystem?

5 An adaption that changes the way an animal looks. $100 What is physical adaptation?

6 An adaptation that changes the way an behaves. $100 What is behavioral adaptation?

7 Food is used as this. $100 What is fuel?

8 A product given off by a consumer, including humans. $100 What is carbon dioxide?

9 Producers are responsible for this. It is necessary for human life. $100 What is oxygen?

10 They get their energy from breaking down and feeding on dead organisms. $100 What are decomposers?

11 An organism that is able to produce it’s own food. $100 What is a producer?

12 Forward facing eyes that focus simultaneously on an object and gives the animal depth and perception $100 What is binocular vision?

13 One of the hard pieces of the skeleton of an animal that has a backbone $100 What is bone?

14 $100 What is carnivore? A flesh eating animal, a meat-eating mammal or plant that eats insects

15 The preservation of a resource, especially natural resources such as soil, water, or forests from loss, pollution or waste $200 What is conservation?

16 Any condition that damages or weakens part of the body $200 What is disease?

17 An animal that is active during the day $200 What is a diurnal?

18 The state of being unlike; a variety $200 What is diversity

19 An animal that makes its own internal heat by burning food. All mammals are this $200 What is endothermic?

20 $200 What is extinct? A term which describes a species that has died out

21 An animal that eats both plants and animals $300 What is omnivore?

22 Animals with a backbone $300 What is vertebrate?

23 The people or things that exist or live in a particular place $300 What is population?

24 An animal that eats the flesh of others; the hunter $300 What predator?

25 A series of living things, each one of which is eaten by the next in line $300 What is a food chain?

26 Animals that maintain their body temperatures regardless of the surrounding temperatures $300 What is a warm-blooded?

27 The object of the hunt; the victim or quarry $300 What is prey?

28 To pass the winter in an inactive or resting state $300 What is hibernate ?

29 Sugar and oxygen $300 What are two products of photosynthesis?

30 Without a spinal column or backbone $300 What is invertebrate?

31 $300 The stages of an organism’s life What is life cycle? $300

32 Animal movement: run, swim, hop, fly, slither $300 What is locomotion?

33 To travel from one region or climate usually on a regular schedule to another for feeding or breeding $400 What migrate?

34 When an animal has eyes that are placed on the side of the skull which gives it a wide peripheral vision $400 What is monocular vision?

35 An animal that is active at night $400 What is nocturnal?

36 The young of humans, animals, or plants $400 What is offspring?

37 List are the characteristics common to all mammals? $500 Only mammals have hair. Mammals nurse their young, are warm-blooded, have larger well-developed brains and move around using their limbs.

38 $500 Canines : large dagger like teeth used for grabbing, killing and holding onto prey Incisors: front teeth (can be large or small depending on the animal’s needs) used for cutting and biting food, Premolars: sharp, slicing teeth that work like scissors to cut and tear chunks of meat Molars: relatively flat teeth used for grinding food What are the different types of teeth that a mammal may have and the purpose of each kind of tooth.

39 Name the advantages of being warm-blooded. Tell how mammals maintain their inner temperature. $500 It allows them to be active and to live in habitats that cold- blooded animals can’t. Mammals burn food, sweat, pant, change body posture and their place in the world(shade, shelter) to help maintain their body temperature.

40 Explain what scat can tell mammalogist and describe the scat you would find from a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore $500 Daily Double!!!

41 1. Explain the function of fur. Some mammals have two layers of fur. 2. Describe and explain the function of the undercoat and top layer of fur. $500 Daily Double!!!

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