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 PBMA-KMS deployed in March of 2001 is the first fully operational NASA-wide multi-functional Knowledge Management System  Knowledgebase 200+ Best Practices.

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Presentation on theme: " PBMA-KMS deployed in March of 2001 is the first fully operational NASA-wide multi-functional Knowledge Management System  Knowledgebase 200+ Best Practices."— Presentation transcript:


2  PBMA-KMS deployed in March of 2001 is the first fully operational NASA-wide multi-functional Knowledge Management System  Knowledgebase 200+ Best Practices 300+ Video Nuggets Program Profiles Lessons Learned 500+ External Links  Function Work Groups (CoP) Web Conferencing Expertise Location


4  To ensure PBMA-KMS content collection and delivery efforts are capable of meeting the needs of NASA today, tomorrow and in the future.

5  Compliance Verification Information System Used by the CV community to gather information to support the management of CV activities by integrating and coordinating similar CV functions and taking advantage of CV activities conducted by other groups. Facilitates audit preparation and execution, archival of CV results and findings, corrective action tracking and closeout, CV performance analysis, and risk-informed planning to provide justification for annual CV funding profiles.  Compliance Verification Tool Kit Prepares users for future Safety and Mission Assurance compliance verification audits. CV material is intended to compliment the official NASA Policy Directives and Procedural Requirements (NPD/NPR) located in the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS)  Assurance Process Mapping Used by program/project managers to actively manage the implementation of Safety and Mission Assurance requirements. Provides graphical and narrative representation and tracking of the SMA roles, responsibilities, and relationships within a given program/project.

6  Technical Overview: Tools − Document Library − Image Library − Database − Calendar − Polling − Threaded Discussion − Real-time Chat − Mailing List Functions − Single-Sign-On − Full-Text Search − Version Control − Check-In/Check-Out − Relational Databases − Hierarchical Calendars − Layered Security Model − Customizable Communities − RSS Subscriptions

7  Secure Collaborative Online Workspace Operates behind NASA Glenn firewall with 128-bit encryption and is compliant with Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) information security requirements. Enhanced Security Workgroups – Provides enhanced security to facilitate efficient collaboration using the Document Library, Databases, Calendars, Discussion Forums, and Polls. Snapshot of usage statistics taken July 2006: 450 current work groups with 6840 members as of 7/28/2006

8  Ability to share presentations between multiple users and pass control of the meeting among attendees.  Ability to see and demonstrate applications and files without the need to have similar software on attendees PCs (ex. advanced CAD and modeling simulators can be viewed by all attendees regardless of if they own the software).  Ability to save transcripts and whiteboard within the presentation  Built-in Meeting Scheduling and user invitation.  Completely secure via 128-bit encryption and authorized to process ACI data Real-time Online-Remote Meeting and Conferencing Capability

9  The Knowledge Registry provides a fully searchable database of NASA and contractor critical skills across the agency.  The Knowledge Registry is integrated with the Competency Management System (CMS).  The Knowledge Registry has searching and reporting capability Agency experts – at your fingertips

10  Safety and Mission Assurance Requirements Tracking System (SMARTS) Overview: SMARTS is an Internet-based information system designed to serve the following needs: − Collecting all Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) policy requirements and standards requirements at the Agency and Center levels − Making SMA requirements more accessible − Supporting research into SMA requirements − Creating virtual SMA documents with a customized set of requirements tailored to the user’s needs − Supporting data associated with compliance verification of SMA requirements − Supporting maintenance and development of new SMA policy and procedural documents


12 We encourage you to:  Contribute Your best planning documents, tools, techniques, lessons learned, best practices, ideas for functional upgrades  Join A Work Group  Lead Efforts to spread SMA excellence  Champion Efforts to promote NASA assurance knowledge sharing and reuse and the transition toward Knowledge-Based Mission Success Management ………Check it out ! A Dynamic, Growing Resource

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