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How do you find the product of 23 x 15 using the area model? 20 3 10 5.

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Presentation on theme: "How do you find the product of 23 x 15 using the area model? 20 3 10 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you find the product of 23 x 15 using the area model? 20 3 10 5

2 In this lesson you will learn how to multiply multi-digit numbers by using the area model.

3 Let’s Review Product – The result when two numbers are multiplied. For Example: 4 x 5 = 20 product

4 Multiplication is repeated addition. 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 + 32 32 x 5 Multiplication is faster!

5 Multiplication sentences can be represented by using an array. 4 6 4 x 6 = 24

6 Multiplying by powers of 10. 36 x 10 = 360 36 x 100 = 3,600 36 x 1,000 = 36,000

7 A Common Mistake Multiplying each digit as if it represents a number of “ones.” It is important to remember the place value of each digit. 36 x 5 = 30 x 5 + 6 x 5

8 Let’s Review Core Lesson Multiply 23 x 15 using the area model. 20 3 10 5 200 100 30 15 200 100 30 + 15 445 x 20 + 3 10 + 5

9 Let’s Review Core Lesson Multiply 225 x 12 using the area model. 200 20 10 2 2000 200 40 5 400 50 10 2000 400 200 40 50 + 10 2700 200 + 20+ 510 + 2 x

10 In this lesson you have learned how to multiply multi-digit numbers by using the area model.

11 Let’s Review Guided Practice Multiply 352 x 32 using the area model.

12 Let’s Review Extension Activities In your math journal, draw an area model to find the product of 542 x 78.

13 Let’s Review Extension Activities x Roll a dice 4 times to fill in the blanks and create a multiplication problem like the one below. Use the area model to find the product.

14 Let’s Review Quick Quiz 1). Find the multiplication sentence that matches the model below. 407 20 3  24 x 37  47 x 23  47 + 23  60 x 10

15 Let’s Review Quick Quiz 2) Multiply 351 x 62 using an area model.

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