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Memory Short term memory (a.k.a. Working Memory).

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Short term memory (a.k.a. Working Memory)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Short term memory (a.k.a. Working Memory)

2 Course Overview Knowledge - Different types of knowledge (visual K, language, categories) ch. 3: Vision. How are objects recognized? -It looks easy but it’s not Ch. 6-11: Memory - to know is to remember The Brain Acquisition (perception) ch.4: Attention. -Filters perceptual input ch. 5: Working Memory - Buffer for mental representations Use - Deficits & Errors Ch. 12-14: Reasoning - inductive - deductive Problem Solving Emotion Ch 4:Executive Functions

3 Free Recall Task Subjects: - hear items (usually 10-40 words), then - they say or write all the items they can remember, in any order.

4 Serial Position Function Position in Original List Probability of reporting the item 1 2 ……… 30 ? 1. Monster 2. Camera 3. Tricycle 4. Melon 5. Window 6. Guest 7. Quiet 8. Cherish 9. Waiting 10. Rabbitt 11. Computer 12. Child 13. Chicken 14. Ghost 15. Slave

5 (Glanzer & Kunitz, 1966) Recency Primacy STM contribution Privileged rehearsal better LTM encoding Villanova distinctiveness

6 Position in Original List Prob. Of Rept. 1 10 20 30 40 List Length 20 30 40 Serial position effects are consistent over different list sizes...

7 LTM “Modal Model” (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 60’s) Unlimited capacity Hard to get stuff into it. Organized semantically Consciously available Flexible material Fixed # of slots (7+2 chunks) Decays if not rehearsed STM Very rapid decay (1-2 secs) Modality specific (iconic, echoic) Vulnerable early sensory processing

8 Memory Processes Attention Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory

9 Memory Processes Storage Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory

10 Memory Processes Retrieval Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory

11 Memory Processes Information loss/ Forgetting Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory

12 Memory Processes Rehearsal, Elaboration, etc. Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory

13 LTM Modal Model: Primacy and Recency Effects Unlimited capacity Hard to get stuff into it. Organized semantically Consciously available Flexible material Fixed # of slots (7+2 chunks) Decays if not rehearsed STM Very rapid decay (1-2 secs) Modality specific (iconic, echoic) Vulnerable early sensory processing


15 Recency Primacy

16 (Murray Glanzer) STM

17 (Murray Glanzer) LTM

18 Independence of LTM and STM: Neurological evidence Patient H.M. - surgery in 1953 to relieve epilepsy. - Normal working memory: normal digit span - Impaired Long-term memory (anterograde amnesia): unable to learn most new information. he can recall facts from before surgery (events from school days, preserved language skills, recognized people). Patient K.F. - closed head injury. - Impaired working memory: Digit span of 1 item - Normal Long-term memory (recall a short story, learn word lists when lists presented repeatedly, and do fine on long-term recognition).

19 Position Prob. Of Rept. STM Patients Normals (Alan Baddeley)

20 LTM Sensory Anterograde Amnesia might be explained as a blockage of the flow of information from STM to LTM STM

21 LTM STM Entry into STM is not necessary for entry into LTM Sensory BUT…short term memory deficits in the absence of LTM deficits spell trouble for this gateway model of LTM acquisition...

22 Impairment

23 Double dissociations guard against resource artifacts (differences in task performance that stem from differences in task difficulty) For example, –I can juggle 3 balls, but – I cannot juggle 5 balls, Should we conclude that juggling 3 balls is a process independent from juggling 5? Or that juggling 5 balls is a more difficult task? –We’ll argue for independence only if we find someone who is unable to juggle 3 balls but can juggle 5 (double dissociation). Quite unlikely :-)

24 Double dissociations guard against resource artifacts (differences in task performance that stem from differences in task difficulty) For example, Patient H. M. has: - impaired LTM but, - normal STM Should we conclude that LTM is a process independent from STM? Or that LTM is a more difficult task? We’ll argue for independence only if we find someone who is unable to hold things in STM but can retain them in LTM (patient K.H.).

25 Working Memory A cognitive system that allows the maintenance of information on line or available for immediate processing.

26 Model of Memory Sensory Memory Short-term Working Memory Long-term Memory FILTERFILTER

27 Model of Memory Sensory Memory Central Exec. Visual Auditory FILTERFILTER Long-term Memory

28 Working Memory (Alan Baddeley) VisuospatialBuffer CentralExecutive PhonologicalBuffer

29 Short-Term Memory for Visual and Verbal Materials: One or two stores? Approach 1: Store maximum capacity of one type -- then see if person can remember any of the other type. 3 9 8 2 1 7 4 + Example:

30 Usual Finding: ZERO interference between verbal and visual STM loads (Sanders & Scarborough)

31 Working Memory (Alan Baddeley) VisuospatialBuffer CentralExecutive PhonologicalBuffer

32 The phonological buffer Phonological short-term store Verbal information subvocal rehearsal process

33 Phonological Buffer: Evidence Task: Memory Span –Listen a list of items, and repeat them Effect of: –Phonological Similarity (phono store) –Articulatory suppression (subvocal rehearsal) –Word length (subvocal rehearsal) Neurological overlap with language areas

34 Phonological Similarity Confusions occur if words sound alike: mad, cat, man, map, cat But not for similar meaning: huge, long, tall, big, wide or for similar-looking: bough, cough, dough, through

35 Articulatory Suppression repeatedly say “the” while hearing a list B C P T V B K X Y R “the the the the the the the the”

36 Word length effect People can generally remember about as many words as they can say in 2 seconds. memory span for “sum, wit, harm” better than for “opportunity, individual, university” Same number of chunks…but one of the sets takes longer to articulate. This result provides support for the notion of articulatory rehearsal of phonological information.

37 Speech production areas and language receptive areas are active when people try to remember phonological information Neural overlap between verbal WM and language

38 Phonological Buffer The contents of storage is limited by: –the time it takes to rehearse the items – the number of “chunks” encoded

39 The standard estimate of the capacity of the phonological buffer is 7 plus or minus 2 “chunks” of information. A chunk is a meaningful unit of information. In a typical digit span task, subjects can hear and report back about 5-9 randomly selected digits. F B I C I A F D R J F K chunking allows storage of greater amounts of information…because information is “packaged” more efficiently F B I C I A F D R J F K Chunking and the capacity of the phonological buffer

40 Working Memory (Alan Baddeley) VisuospatialBuffer CentralExecutive PhonologicalBuffer rehearsal storage ?

41 Object Spatial Brain Activations during Spatial and Object Working Memory It appears that different brain regions are active during the storage of spatial and object information in working memory.

42 Task ASystem A Brain region A Brain region B Task BSystem B Brain region A Brain region B Double Dissociation based on Brain Localization

43 Working Memory VisuospatialBuffer CentralExecutive PhonologicalBuffer rehearsal storage spatial object

44 The Central Executive Supervise attention Planning/Coordination Monitoring the least well understood aspect of working memory.

45 Frontal lobe syndrome Distractibility, difficulty concentrating Problems with organization, planning Perseveration: fail to stop inappropriate behavior

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