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The Neuron The Brain Names Perspectives Research Methods.

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3 The Neuron

4 The Brain

5 Names

6 Perspectives

7 Research Methods

8 Memory

9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The NeuronThe Brain Names Perspectives Research Memory

10 Longest part of the neuron

11 Axon

12 Protects and covers the axon

13 Myelin Sheath

14 Neurons that bring information to the central nervous system

15 Sensory/Afferent

16 Location of neurotransmitters

17 Terminal Buttons

18 Where neurotransmitters “land”

19 Receptor sites

20 Planning, judgment, decision making

21 Frontal Lobe

22 Heart rate, breathing

23 Medulla

24 New/explicit memories

25 Hippocampus

26 Sensory relay station

27 Thalamus

28 What are the two speech centers of the brain and what do they control?

29 Broca’s Area: Spoken speech Wernicke’s Area: Comprehension

30 B.F. Skinner?

31 Founder of operant conditioning; Skinner box; Believed that language was learned

32 Albert Bandura

33 Observational (social) Learning; Bobo Doll experiment

34 Michael Gazzaniga

35 Worked with split-brain patients

36 Kahnerman and Tversky

37 Worked on concepts related to cognition/problem solving (availability heuristic, representativeness heuristic)

38 Robert Rescorla

39 Studied the affect of cognition on classical conditioning; Subject must predict whether the CS will predict the US

40 Group of German psychologists who rejected structuralism; Focused on the whole; important in the study of perception

41 Gestalt Psychology

42 Field of psychology founded by Sigmund Freud

43 Psychoanalysis Psychodynamic (modern day version)

44 Approach that sees humans as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve

45 Humanistic

46 Name and describe the first major perspective in psychology

47 Structuralism: E. B. Tichener; Consciousness could be broken down into the smallest elements of experience; Not followed today

48 Describe functionalism

49 William James; Rejected structuralism; How does behavior help us adapt, survive, and flourish?

50 What is a random sample?

51 Every person in the group (population) has an equal chance of participating; Is also representative of the population you are studying

52 Type of research done when multiple age groups are studied at the same time

53 Cross sectional

54 What is a negative correlation?

55 One factor is increasing while the other is decreasing

56 What does a positive correlation look like on a scatterplot?

57 Perfect positive correlation (correlation coefficient of +1) would be a straight line increasing left to right; Perfect correlations are very rare

58 What is the independent and dependent variable? In what form of research are they used?

59 Independent: variable that is being manipulated (should cause something) Dependent: variable that is being measure to see if the independent variable had an effect Experiment

60 What are the three steps in the information processing model?

61 Encoding; Storage; Retrieval

62 What is the serial position effect? What are its “sub” components/effects?

63 Tendency to remember the items at the beginning (primacy effect) and end (recency effect) of a list

64 What are the two types of sensory memory discussed in class?

65 Iconic (visual) and Echoic (auditory)

66 What are semantic memories?

67 Memories of facts and concepts; Processed in the hippocampus

68 What is context congruent memory?

69 Enhanced ability to retrieve information when you are in an environment similar to the one in which you encoded it

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