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The Cold War in Brief CST Prep Overview Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School.

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2 The Cold War in Brief CST Prep Overview Ms. Ramos Alta Loma High School

3 Cold War: conflict fought in 3 theatres:Cold War: conflict fought in 3 theatres: –Ideology Proxy warsProxy wars –Arms –Space Ms. Ramos

4 The Ideological Struggle Soviet & Eastern Bloc Nations [“Iron Curtain”] US & the Western Democracies GOAL  spread world-wide Communism GOAL  “Containment” of Communism & the eventual collapse of Communism [George Kennan] Copy this slide Ms. Ramos

5 Allied leaders decided to divide Germany into 4 zones of military occupation –supposed to be temporary Ms. Ramos

6 The United States wanted a reunited Germany The Soviet Union wanted a divided Germany that lacked power to start wars. An Iron Curtain Falls After the war, not only Germany, but Europe itself, became divided into West and East. At the war’s end, Soviet troops were stationed in many Eastern European nations. The Soviet Union refused to permit free elections in these nations. Ms. Ramos

7 jspivey. wikispaces. com / file / view / iron _ curtain _ TBBJ. gif /34482853/ iron _ curtain _ TBBJ. gif Ms. Ramos

8 Eastern Europe became unified with the Soviet Union. Western Europe became unified in opposition to Soviet aggression- Nuclear Weapons Tensions were heightened by nuclear weapons development in the two superpowers. 1952 The United States tests the world’s first nuclear bomb. 1953 The Soviet Union tests its first nuclear bomb. Economic Recovery The economic recoveries of Germany and Japan heralded another power shift. Ms. Ramos

9 In the 1950s, West Germany began an economic boom as an international industrial power with investments in Asia and Africa. (East Germany suffered economically; the Soviets collected war payments from East Germany until 1954.) Japan’s astonishing economic recovery also began in the 1950s. Japan soon became the world’s second-largest economy after the United States. Ms. Ramos Copy this slide

10 Truman Doctrine US would help people fight oppressors Truman wanted to aid Greece & Turkey fight Soviets Congress agreed- $400 billion Ms. Ramos

11 Marshall Plan Aid program to rebuild economies of Euro countries to create stable democracies 17 countries received $13.4 billion Helped build strong political support in Western Europe Ms. Ramos

12 Czechoslovakia Feb 1948 Pro-west president forced resign & new const ratified Takeover by Czech communists Soviet satellite Ms. Ramos

13 http :// www. dubuque. k 12. ia. us / Central / coldwar / BerlinAirlift. jpg Ms. Ramos

14 Berlin Crisis June 1948- May 1949 Soviets plan to keep East Berlin under communist control... Wall Blockade of Berlin act of war… US not to abandon Berlin What next?... Ms. Ramos

15 Soviets Block Traffic 6/48: Soviets block any road, rail, or river traffic into West Berlin West Berlin cut from food, coal, & goods Had airstrips Ms. Ramos

16 http :// richardwillisuk. files. wordpress. com /2009/05/ berlin-airlift-map. png Ms. Ramos

17 Berlin Airlift UK & US planes deliver to W Berlin Lasted months Soviets end blockade 5/12/49 Ms. Ramos

18 http ://2. bp. blogspot. com /_ DofLEXUVwIE / SDG 3 R 61 foVI / AAAAAAAADVI / EHw PnO 3 EyN 4/ s 400/ berlin %2 B 5. jpg http :// www. history. co. uk / shows / rise-and-fall-berlin- wall / gallery / carouselGallery /0/ assetPhotos /01/ image /1949 -Berlin-Airlift-copy. jpg Ms. Ramos

19 NATO Est. US & 6 others join Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, & UK Attack one, considered attack on all Now, 26 countries belong to NATO http :// woodward 7. wikispaces. com / file / view / nato _ WarP-l. jpg Ms. Ramos

20 http :// greatpowerpolitics. com / wp-content / uploads /2009/02/ nato-expansion. jpg Ms. Ramos

21 Warsaw Pact Reaction to NATO }U. S. S. R. }Albania }Bulgaria }Czechoslovakia }East Germany }Hungary }Poland }Rumania http :// www. eutopia. be / pixelpost _ v 1.7.1/ index. php ? showimage =124 Ms. Ramos

22 http :// woodward 7. wikispaces. com / file / view / nato _ WarP-l. jpg Ms. Ramos

23 Fall of China 1949 6/49 Jiang Jieshi defeated by Mao Oct 1: Mao declares People’s Republic of China (PRC) Dec: Mao travels to Moscow –Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship: alliance & mutual assistance US worried re: spread of communism Ms. Ramos

24 Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 U.S. response in the Cuban Missile Crisis was an example of brinkmanship—the willingness to go to the brink, or edge, of war in order to force an end to a crisis. US discovered Soviet missile sites on the island of Cuba. US blockaded Cuba and threatened to attack the Soviet Union. USSR agreed to remove the missiles. Ms. Ramos

25 STUDY Study your notes and reviews for the CST exam. You will take the World Exam on Thursday. We will complete a review activity when I return. STUDY!


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