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7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair Julia Pinon Lee McLaughlin Victor Scott Derek Waddoups.

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Presentation on theme: "7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair Julia Pinon Lee McLaughlin Victor Scott Derek Waddoups."— Presentation transcript:

1 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair Julia Pinon Lee McLaughlin Victor Scott Derek Waddoups

2 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair

3 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair Gaming has never been more popular than it is today. Dedicated gamers want to utilize proven marketing and design concepts. Franchises would be individually owned and operated.

4 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair Our first year was profitable Our second year was significantly better CategoryLast YearThis YearIncrease Board Games$75,915$115,856$39,941 Role-playing Games$47,404$77,038$29,634 Puzzles$31,590$38,540$6,950 Models$19,200$28,200$9,000 Events$25,755$46,065$20,310 Totals$199,864$305,699$105,835

5 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair YearBoard Games Role-playing Games PuzzlesModelsEvents Last Year$75,915$47,404$31,590$19,200$25,755 This Year$115,856$77,038$38,540$28,200$46,065

6 YearQtr. 1 Last Year$37,761 This Year$61,594 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair

7 Site selection and initial setup consistent with our mission statement Inventory and product selection Detailed marketing program based on: Resources of all types A variety of gaming events Financial model 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair

8 Create detailed financial proposal including funding requirements to launch franchise campaign Identify at l east two potential franchisees for next year Expand to ten additional franchises in second year 7/17/2012The Entertainment Lair

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