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Proposal Presentation MA3C0301 Alice 朱惠絹 2015/06/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal Presentation MA3C0301 Alice 朱惠絹 2015/06/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal Presentation MA3C0301 Alice 朱惠絹 2015/06/16

2 Title The Effects of Board Games Based Phonics Instruction on Remedial Students’ Word Decoding and Spelling Abilities and English Learning Attitude 以桌上遊戲進行國小字母拼讀法補救教學對 於提升學生解碼及拼字能力與學習動機之效 益研究

3 Motivation/ Purpose resource-deficient students be lack of practicing opportunities low- achievement students resource-abundant more practicing opportunities To catch up the class Remedial Instruction Remedial Instruction NOWAFTER

4 Why phonics? Low achievement students prefer using Chinese alphabet to learn the words pronunciation instead of phonics. Ig: ㄅㄨˋㄎㄜ for “book” ㄌㄧˋ ㄕˋ for “this

5 Definition 1. phonics: is defined as an approach in which students are taught the relationship between letters and sounds and how to use the information to read words ( Beck, 2006). 2. decoding skills: is defined by the broad term in the present study, which refers to the process readers use to translate written language into inner speech as in the process of word recognition or sound out written language into oral speech (Eldredge, 1995). ig :See “cat” in print sound out [k t ]

6 Definition board games : are played on a flat surface (gmae board) War games : to capture or destroy the opponent (ig: chess, checker, go) Race games: to reach the destination or goal (ig: ladders) Alignment games: to create a particular pattern on the board (ig: tic- tac-toe)

7 Board Games Based Phonics Instruction – decoding (1) bingo

8 Board Games Based Phonics Instruction – decoding (2) dice

9 Board Games Based Phonics Instruction – decoding (3) CVC monopoly

10 Board Games Based Phonics Instruction –spelling (1) finger twist

11 Board Games Based Phonics Instruction –spelling (2) boggle

12 RQs 1.How do phonics board games improve remedial class students’ decoding ability? 2.How do phonics board games improve remedial class students’ spelling ability? 3.What are the learning attitudes of remedial class students toward phonics instruction through phonics board games?

13 LR 2.1 Phonics 2.1.1 Phonics Instruction and Functions 2.1.2 Studies Related to Phonics Instruction and Word Decoding 2.1.3 Studies Related to Phonics Instruction and Word Spelling 2.2 Board Game and EFL Learning 2.2.1 A Brief History of The Board Game 2.2.2 Board Game in Education and Curriculum 2.2.3 Studies Related to The Board Game Used in Language Subject 2.3 Remedial Instruction


15 Synopsis of Research

16 Research Process Investigation on students’ background Questionnaire Pretest QuestionnairePosttestInterview Data Analysis Designing Board games based on phonics instruction and Classroom observation

17 Participants About 10 low –achievement students from grade 4 and 5 Long Gang elementary school, south district, Tainan City

18 Period Sep, 2015 ~ Dec, 2015 March, 2016~ June, 2016 40 mins a week about 32 weeks

19 Thank you.

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