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Imaging studies of Lower limb Dr. Abubakr H. Mossa 8.11.2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Imaging studies of Lower limb Dr. Abubakr H. Mossa 8.11.2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imaging studies of Lower limb Dr. Abubakr H. Mossa 8.11.2007

2 Imaging studies of lower limb: X ray of lower limb. US: doppler ultrasonography. Angiography. Ct scan & MRI of lower limb.

3 X-ray of lower limb Regions: hip, femur, knee, leg ankle & foot x-rays. Side: right or left. View: AP, lateral & special positions. Normal & abnormal x-rays.

4 Pelvic x-ray


6 Hip joint X-ray


8 Special hip joint view: oblique

9 Knee joint: lateral view

10 Knee joint AP view

11 Knee joint: skyline view ( tangential view)

12 Ankle joint: lateral view

13 Ankle joint: AP view

14 Case 1 Case Report A seven-year old boy was brought immediately to the Accident and Emergency department with a painful right knee, and inability to weight bear, following a trivial fall from a skateboard whilst playing. The child was otherwise fit and healthy, with no significant past or family history. On examination, he was found to be alert, co- operative and haemodynamically stable. But on clinical examination of his lower limbs, the right hip joint appeared to be partially flexed, adducted and internally rotated, with associated limb shortening. The right knee appeared intact and there was no evidence of distal neurovascular deficit. All movements were painfully restricted.

15 Traumatic dislocation of hip joint Occures in RTA The limb usually is flexed adducted & medially rotated, the position of the person riding a car. Posterior dislocation is more common. Nerve injuries may result. (which nerves are vulnerable to injury?) Dashboard injury. Fracture femoral neck may accompany the dislocation.

16 Fracture shaft of femur: comminuted fracture


18 Fracture distal femur

19 Fracture patella: lateral & AP views

20 Fractures of tibia & fibula

21 Fractures of MTs Green stick fracture

22 US: doppler ultrasonography

23 Ct scan & MRI of lower limb. 1.Lower end of tibia 2.Calcaneal tendon 3.Calcaneus 4.Talus 5.Navicular 6.Medial cuneiform 7.Sustentaculum tali 8.First metatarsal bone 9.Talocrural joint (ankle) MRI of ankle joint

24 MRI of knee & thigh

25 Angiography.

26 Fasciotomy & compartment syndrome

27 Palpation of lower limb vessels

28 thanks

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