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Unnecessary superfluous. one-sided unilateral having the same measure commensurate.

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Presentation on theme: "Unnecessary superfluous. one-sided unilateral having the same measure commensurate."— Presentation transcript:

1 unnecessary superfluous

2 one-sided unilateral

3 having the same measure commensurate

4 beginner neophyte

5 warlike bellicose

6 fault-finding captious

7 a curse malediction

8 false specious

9 all-knowing omniscient

10 first model prototype

11 blessing benediction

12 superiority in weight, power, numbers preponderance

13 great-minded; courageously noble in mind and heart magnanimous

14 shapeless amorphous

15 fear of foreigners xenophobia

16 to express disapproval of excoriate

17 obsession with one thing monomania

18 not believing; skeptical incredulous

19 new word neologism

20 man-shaped; humanlike anthropomorphic

21 One who hates or mistrusts humankind misanthrope

22 evil intent malevolence

23 cautious circumspect

24 two-sided bilateral

25 use unclear expressions equivocate

26 one-sided unilateral

27 unnecessary superfluous

28 warlike bellicose

29 beginner neophyte

30 false specious

31 a curse malediction

32 fault-finding captious

33 first model prototype

34 having the same measure commensurate

35 blessing benediction

36 great-minded; courageously noble in mind and heart magnanimous

37 shapeless amorphous

38 superiority in weight, power, numbers preponderance

39 fear of foreigners xenophobia

40 to express disapproval of excoriate

41 new word neologism

42 obsession with one thing monomania

43 not believing; skeptical incredulous

44 all-knowing omniscient

45 man-shaped; humanlike anthropomorphic

46 evil intent malevolence

47 cautious circumspect

48 two-sided bilateral

49 use unclear expressions equivocate

50 One who hates or mistrusts humankind misanthrope

51 unnecessary superfluous

52 one-sided unilateral

53 having the same measure commensurate

54 beginner neophyte

55 warlike bellicose

56 fault-finding captious

57 a curse malediction

58 false specious

59 all-knowing omniscient

60 first model prototype

61 blessing benediction

62 superiority in weight, power, numbers preponderance

63 great-minded; courageously noble in mind and heart magnanimous

64 shapeless amorphous

65 fear of foreigners xenophobia

66 to express disapproval of excoriate

67 obsession with one thing monomania

68 not believing; skeptical incredulous

69 new word neologism

70 man-shaped; humanlike anthropomorphic

71 One who hates or mistrusts humankind misanthrope

72 evil intent malevolence

73 cautious circumspect

74 two-sided bilateral

75 use unclear expressions equivocate

76 one-sided unilateral

77 unnecessary superfluous

78 warlike bellicose

79 beginner neophyte

80 false specious

81 a curse malediction

82 fault-finding captious

83 first model prototype

84 having the same measure commensurate

85 blessing benediction

86 great-minded; courageously noble in mind and heart magnanimous

87 shapeless amorphous

88 superiority in weight, power, numbers preponderance

89 fear of foreigners xenophobia

90 to express disapproval of excoriate

91 new word neologism

92 obsession with one thing monomania

93 not believing; skeptical incredulous

94 all-knowing omniscient

95 man-shaped; humanlike anthropomorphic

96 evil intent malevolence

97 cautious circumspect

98 two-sided bilateral

99 use unclear expressions equivocate

100 One who hates or mistrusts humankind misanthrope

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