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ASHA Sahyogini intervention in Rajasthan by Vaidehi Agnihotri

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1 ASHA Sahyogini intervention in Rajasthan by Vaidehi Agnihotri

2 ASHA Sahyogini Key component of NRHM
ASHA-Accredited Social Health Activist Selected from the Village through Gram Sabha and accountable to the community Interface between community and public health system.

3 Why ASHA Sahyogini At present ANM is placed on the population of 3000 – 5000 Covering 3-5 villages and distance problem Difficulty in providing services at door steps On Other hand – Anganwadi is on the population of 1000 Anganwadi worker and Sahayika is placed at AWC -limits them to provide services So to fill up the gap, role of Accredited Social health Activist becomes critical

4 Overview ASHA – Sahyogini , a joint HFW- DWCD Initiative
46,000 estimated in 42000 Rural under NRHM 4000 Urban RCH 40,000 villages.30,000 ASHA sahyoginis in place New selection started in AUG 2006 Training under NRHM and Extra 7-17 days training by DWCD

5 Training ASHA Resource book, Facilitators Guide Developed at state level, based on GOI modules NGOs selected for training for each block NGOs Selection by committee at district level headed by Collector Allocation of of Rs. 5 Crore to the districts State, District, Block level trainers team developed Actual ASHA Training at block level

6 Monitoring of training
Monitoring tools Developed Modalities developed to monitor each training by at least 2 officers State level monitors visited Selected trainings ARC to compile monitoring formats and develop future strategy for training

7 ASHA Mentoring Group Oversee implementation
ASHA Mentoring Group Constituted to Oversee implementation Facilitate in Development of Policy guidelines Provide Technical inputs & Support Mechanism Act as think tank Facilitate intersectoral coordination

8 ASHA Resource Center SRC -Selected through Competitive bidding
Budget of Rs.22 Lakhs per annum For implementation, supervision, technical inputs, trainings, data collection and processing, IEC, concurrent evaluation, involvement of NGOs/Community/Other Departments

9 ASHA Sahyogini Compensation
ASHA Sahyogini will get fixed honorarium from DWCD i.e. Rs. 500/- She will also get performance based incentive worked out from different Schemes. Compensation package is Rs. 1067/- (If she works as per expectation)

10 Linkages Of ASHA Sahyogini

11 Supporting Mechanism for ASHA Sahyogini
ASHA mentoring group State level SPMU State By Monthly Review Periodic surveys Assessment of Progress of ASHA Scheme District Health Mission DPMU ICDS (Dy Director). District Bi monthly Meetings Block Medical Officer ICDS CDPO Block PHC Periodic Trainings/ Monthly Meetings Replenishment of ASHA Kit Incentive Payment PHC Medical Officer ASHA Facilitators LHV PHC Meetings Referral Records Incentive Payment Sub Center ANM Village Health Survey Helping ANM in maintaining Village Health Register Member VHSC Developing VHP Organizing MCHN Days Referral Records SHG AWW ANM Village Health & Sanitation Committee Village

12 Role Of NGOs NGO workshop organized. Role of NGOs identified
Facilitator role in Selection Conducting Trainings Mentoring and Monitoring Facilitation in ensuring timely payments of incentives Facilitation in interdepartmental Coordination

13 STEPS AHEAD Joint Selection of about 16000 ASHA Sahyoginis
Trainings of ASHA Sahyoginis – in 5 rounds- a tough task Long term process Conducting monthly/ bimonthly meeting Identification of Block facilitator, cluster facilitator and their capacity building Giving identity to ASHA Sahyogini – provision of I/cards

14 STEPS AHEAD Streamlining the system of incentive payments
- Multiple source Record keeping for activity based incentive Identification of NGOs Role and involvement of NGOs in the programme Provision of Drug Kit and ensuring regular inventory control Household surveys

15 Factors Critical to the success of ASHA Sahyogini
Selection of proper candidate for ASHA Sayogini. Acceptance of ASHA Sahyogini by community Linkages with nearest functional health facility for referral services Identified transport for referral of cases from village to facility Priority and recognition of cases referred by ASHA Sahyogini to MO/ANM Timely payment of incentives Timely replenishment of ASHA Kit Monthly meeting of ASHA Sahyogini at PHC Successful organization of MCHN Days

16 Thank you

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