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CCSM3.5+ Coupled Experiments Rich Neale Phil Rasch, Cecile Hannay, Jon Wolfe, Steve Yeager.

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Presentation on theme: "CCSM3.5+ Coupled Experiments Rich Neale Phil Rasch, Cecile Hannay, Jon Wolfe, Steve Yeager."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSM3.5+ Coupled Experiments Rich Neale Phil Rasch, Cecile Hannay, Jon Wolfe, Steve Yeager

2 Experiments 1. The University of Washington (UW) Boundary layer and shallow convection parameterizations 2. 0.5 degree CAM climate projection scoping exercise 3. Development experiments with an additional 20-m thick atmosphere model layer at the surface Results are very preliminary!

3 1. UW-CCSM3.5  Planentary Boundary Layer (PBL) UW diagnostic TKE scheme (Grenier, Bretherton, Park) replaces existing Holtslag-Boville (HB) scheme UW diagnostic TKE scheme (Grenier, Bretherton, Park) replaces existing Holtslag-Boville (HB) scheme Improved treatment of cloud topped boundary layers Improved treatment of cloud topped boundary layers Stability-based marine stratus calculation removed Stability-based marine stratus calculation removed  Shallow convection (ShCu) UW scheme (McCaa, Bretherton, Grenier) replaces 3- level Hack adjustment scheme UW scheme (McCaa, Bretherton, Grenier) replaces 3- level Hack adjustment scheme Scheme closes on inhibition and TKE from PBL scheme Scheme closes on inhibition and TKE from PBL scheme  UW requires 30 vertical levels compared to 26 for HB (4 extra layers in PBL)

4 Low cloud fraction (%) CAM3.5 Warren annual low cloud CAM3.5 - HBCAM3.5 - UW CAM3.5 - HB error CAM3.5 - UW error Total Difference

5 SW cloud forcing (Wm -2 ) CAM3.5 CERES SWCFCAM3.5 - HB CAM3.5 - UW CAM3.5 - HB error CAM3.5 - UW error Total Difference

6 Low cloud fraction (%) CCSM3.5 Warren annual low cloud CCSM3.5 - UW CAM3.5 - UW CCSM3.5 - UW error CAM3.5 - UW error Total Difference

7 SW cloud forcing (Wm -2 ) CCSM3.5 CERES SWCFCCSM3.5 - UW CAM3.5 - UW CCSM3.5 - UW error CAM3.5 - UW error Total Difference

8 East Pacific SST seasonal cycle HB-CCSM3.5UW-CCSM3.5 HadISST

9 East Pacific SWCF seasonal cycle 5N-5S HB-CCSM3.5UW-CCSM3.5 HadISST

10 HB-CCSM3.5 UW-CCSM3.5 HadiSST ENSO nino3.4 statistics Note different scales Events peak in February

11 ENSO teleconnections Nino3 SSTA lag-0 correlation HB-CCSM3.5 UW-CCSM3.5 HadISST

12 Competitive coupled climate Competitive coupled climate Taylor Diagram Metrics Radial direction – variance Angle - correlation UW-CCSM3.5 HB-CCSM3.5

13 2. High-Res CAM – CCSM3.5  CCSM advisory board encouraged high resolution short-term ‘climate projections’  AIM: Provide greater detail on shorter timescales (a couple of decades) before GHG emission scenarios diverge significantly  0.5 degree atmosphere with 1 deg (nominal) ocean  Maintain 2 degree physics timestep (30 minutes)  1980-2000 initial spin-up period (done)  Greenhouse gas + aerosol forcings  2001-2030 projection period (to do)

14 Benefits of higher resolution

15 Rainfall (DJF)

16 Rainfall (JJA)

17 Asian Monsoon + ITCZ GPCP Rainfall mm/day (JJA) 2 degree0.5 degree 2 degree0.5 degree GPCP Monsoon rainfall focused closer to orography Twin ITCZ remains

18 East Pacific SST seasonal cycle 5N-5S 2 degree0.5 degree HadISST

19 Surface Stress 5N-5S 2 degree minus ERS stress 0.5 degree minus ERS stress

20 ENSO nino3 SSTA statistics (1980-1999) 2 degree 0.5 degree

21 2 deg HadISST ENSO teleconnections Nino3 SSTA lag-0 correlation 0.5 deg

22 3. 20-m layer CAM – CCSM3.5  20-m thick layer next to the surface  Leads to improved surface flux calculations  Surface flux averaging required to stabilize simulation and to use same CAM timestep 20m

23 GPCP Rainfall (JJA) mm/day HB-CAM3.520m-CAM3.5 West Pacific Rainfall

24 East Pacific SST seasonal cycle 5N-5S HB-CCSM3.520m-CCSM3.5 HadISST

25 20m-CCSM3.5 UW-CCSM3.5 HadiSST ENSO nino3.4 statistics Note different scales

26 Summary  UW CCSM3.5 UW scheme provides improved moist PBL (cloud-topped) UW scheme provides improved moist PBL (cloud-topped) Inclusion of UW PBL-ShCu scheme gives a stable coupled climate Inclusion of UW PBL-ShCu scheme gives a stable coupled climate More favorable SCu location; excessive SWCF More favorable SCu location; excessive SWCF East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift ENSO period 4-7 years; excessive amplitude ENSO period 4-7 years; excessive amplitude  High Resolution CAM CCSM3.5 Short-term/high resolution climate projection scoping exercise Short-term/high resolution climate projection scoping exercise Improved North American mean climate Improved North American mean climate Better defined monsoonal features; twin ITCZ remains Better defined monsoonal features; twin ITCZ remains East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift ENSO characteristics maintained from lower resolution ENSO characteristics maintained from lower resolution  20-m thick layer CAM CCSM3.5 Improved representation of surface stability/flux characteristics Improved representation of surface stability/flux characteristics Significant changes in mean climate Significant changes in mean climate Favorable location shift; excessive seasonal cycle Favorable location shift; excessive seasonal cycle East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift East Pacific SST semi-annual -> annual cycle shift ENSO period >4 years; weak amplitude ENSO period >4 years; weak amplitude  Preliminary results!

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