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Thinking About Psychology The Science of Mind and Behavior 3e Charles T. Blair-Broeker & Randal M. Ernst PowerPoint Presentation Slides by Kent Korek Germantown.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking About Psychology The Science of Mind and Behavior 3e Charles T. Blair-Broeker & Randal M. Ernst PowerPoint Presentation Slides by Kent Korek Germantown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking About Psychology The Science of Mind and Behavior 3e Charles T. Blair-Broeker & Randal M. Ernst PowerPoint Presentation Slides by Kent Korek Germantown High School Worth Publishers, © 2012

2 Social Context Domain

3 Nature, Nurture, Culture and Gender

4 Nature and Nurture in Psychology Module 20

5 Module Overview Genetics in Brief Nature and Individual Differences Environmental Matters Click on the any of the above hyperlinks to go to that section in the presentation.

6 Genetics in Brief Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

7 Behavior Genetics The school of thought that focuses on how much our genes and our environmental influences our individual differences.

8 Genes The biochemical units of heredity that make up chromosomes. Many genes together make up chromosomes

9 Environment Every nongenetic influence, from prenatal nutrition to the people and things around us. Any influence, other than genetic, on an individual’s behavior Include: –The culture someone is raised in –One’s family –Socioeconomic group

10 Nature and Nurture Issue Nature side entails the genetic code passed from parent to child. Nurture side involves all environmental influences from prenatal development on.

11 Nature and Nurture Issue Which parts of human behavior can we attribute to nature and which can be attributed to nurture?

12 Chromosomes Threadlike structures made up of DNA that contain genes. 46 chromosomes in each cell 23 received from each parent

13 Chromosomes

14 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) A complex molecule containing the genetic information that makes up chromosomes.

15 Nucleotides The four letter code to distinguish genes Letters A,T,C, or G are used


17 Mutation Random errors in gene replication that lead to a change in the individual’s genetic code and are the source of all genetic diversity. Can be desirable or undesirable changes

18 Predisposition The possibility of something happening through the genetic code Genetics creates the potential for something The environment may or may not trigger the predisposition

19 Nature and Individual Differences Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

20 Nature and Individual Differences: Twin Studies Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

21 Identical Twins Twins who developed from a single fertilized egg that splits in two, creating two genetically identical organisms. Called monozygotic twins Must be of the same sex




25 Fraternal Twins Twins who developed from two different fertilized eggs; they are genetically no more similar than any other two siblings, but they share a fetal environment. Called dizygotic twins. Can be different sexes



28 Heritability The degree to which traits are inherited. The proportion of an individual’s characteristics that can be attributed to genetics (heredity)

29 Twin Studies Used to determine the heritability of a given trait Data is collected from both identical and fraternal twins on the trait Compare the data between the two groups Important not to conclude that a specific behavior is inherited

30 Nature and Individual Differences: Adoption Studies Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

31 Adoption Studies Compare adopted children’s traits with those of their biological parents and their adopted parents Trait similarities with biological parents: attribute the trait to heredity Trait similarities with the adopted parents: attribute the trait to the environment

32 Environmental Matters Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

33 Environmental Matters: Early Learning and Brain Development Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

34 Early Brain Development Early experience is critical in brain development. In later life continued use is necessary to maintain neural connections in the brain.

35 Environmental Matters: Peer and Parent Influence Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

36 Peer Influences Peer influence in adolescence is very powerful. Many studies suggest a peer group is correlated with school performance, smoking, and other behaviors.

37 Parent Influences Parental influence is important in areas of: –Education –Discipline –Responsibility –Orderliness –Charitableness –Ways of interacting with authority figures.

38 Environmental Matters: Cultural Influences Module 20: Nature and Nurture in Psychology

39 Culture The shared attitudes, beliefs, norms and behaviors of a group communicated from one generation to the next.

40 Norms Understood rules for accepted and expected behavior. Consist of the “proper behavior” within a group

41 The End

42 Teacher Information Types of Files –This presentation has been saved as a “basic” Powerpoint file. While this file format placed a few limitations on the presentation, it insured the file would be compatible with the many versions of Powerpoint teachers use. To add functionality to the presentation, teachers may want to save the file for their specific version of Powerpoint. Animation –Once again, to insure compatibility with all versions of Powerpoint, none of the slides are animated. To increase student interest, it is suggested teachers animate the slides wherever possible. Adding slides to this presentation –Teachers are encouraged to adapt this presentation to their personal teaching style. To help keep a sense of continuity, blank slides which can be copied and pasted to a specific location in the presentation follow this “Teacher Information” section.

43 Teacher Information Domain Coding –Just as the textbook is organized around the APA National Standards, these Powerpoints are coded to those same standards. Included at the top of almost every slide is a small stripe, color coded to the APA National Standards. Scientific Inquiry Domain Biopsychology Domain Development and Learning Domain Social Context Domain Cognition Domain Individual Variation Domain Applications of Psychological Science Domain Key Terms and Definitions in Red –To emphasize their importance, all key terms from the text and their definitions are printed in red. To maintain consistency, the definitions on the Powerpoint slides are identical to those in the textbook.

44 Teacher Information Hyperlink Slides - Immediately after the unit title slide, a page (usually slide #4 or #5) can be found listing all of the module’s subsections. While in slide show mode, clicking on any of these hyperlinks will take the user directly to the beginning of that subsection. This allows teachers quick access to each subsection. Continuity slides - Throughout this presentations there are slides, usually of graphics or tables, that build on one another. These are included for three purposes. By presenting information in small chunks, students will find it easier to process and remember the concepts. By continually changing slides, students will stay interested in the presentation. To facilitate class discussion and critical thinking. Students should be encouraged to think about “what might come next” in the series of slides. Please feel free to contact me at with any questions, concerns, suggestions, etc. regarding these Kent Korek Germantown High School Germantown, WI 53022

45 Name of Concept Use this slide to add a concept to the presentation

46 Name of Concept Use this slide to add a table, chart, clip art, picture, diagram, or video clip. Delete this box when finished

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