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RENAISSANCE ITALY. Time Line 1000BC - OADOAD – 1000AD Renaissance 1400 -1600 AD Renaissance Neo-Classicism Pop Art 1400-1800 AD1880 AD1940 AD1960 AD1000.

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2 Time Line 1000BC - OADOAD – 1000AD Renaissance 1400 -1600 AD Renaissance Neo-Classicism Pop Art 1400-1800 AD1880 AD1940 AD1960 AD1000 AD Pre-Historic Art Romanesque Style 1000AD – 2000AD Abstract Expressionism

3 Definition - Renaissance Renaissance Noun - means rebirth and is used to mark an era of broad cultural achievement as a result of renewed interest in the classical art and ideas of Ancient Greece and Rome. The main idea of rebirth lies at the belief that through the study of the intellectual and artistic treasures of the Greco- Roman antiquity, inspired by Humanism, can be reached the artistic greatness, wisdom and enlightenment. Adjective - Noting or pertaining to the group of architectural styles existing in Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries as adaptations of ancient Roman architectural details or compositional forms to contemporary uses, characterised at first by the free and inventive use of isolated details, later by the more imitative use of whole orders and compositional arrangements, with great attention to the formulation of compositional rules. The emphasis on symmetry, exact mathematical relationships between parts, and a general effect of simplicity and repose.

4 What is Renaissaince? The renaissance period started in the 14 th century but was only officially recognised the 15 th century, Florence. The renaissance period in art history occurred at the same time a “rebirth” of artistic expressionism was becoming popular in the West. This was the first time in history that artist were recognised as individuals with unique talents rather than “craftspeople”. Artist were redefining their views towards nature and the human form they became far more concerned with portraying objects and the human form in realistic proportions and perspectives. The mathematical advances during this time had a notable impact on renaissance art. Artist were experimenting with all sorts of mediums. Renaissance marked innovations in art with regards to perspective, composition and subject matter. By the 16 th century it was referred to as the “The High Renaissance” as it began to shift to Rome and the court of Pope Julius II.

5 Style & Distinguishing Features Realistic linear perspective. Realistic linear perspective. Architecture. Architecture. Realism. Realism. Human Anatomy. Human Anatomy. Nature. Nature. Sculpture. Sculpture. Christian orientation. Oil Paint. Oil Paint. Harmonious proportion. Realistic expression. Vitruvian Man Venus and Cupid

6 Key Artist Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi (Donatello) Michelangelo Buonarroti (Michelangelo) Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo) Raffaello Sanzi (Raphael)

7 Donatello (Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi) Born: 1386. Born: 1386. Died: 1466 (age 80). Died: 1466 (age 80). Son of Niccolo di Betto Bardi. Son of Niccolo di Betto Bardi. Was a sculptor and considered one of the greatest! Was a sculptor and considered one of the greatest! Donatello invented “The Shallow Relief” technique, which is when the sculpture seems deep but it actually isn’t that deep. Donatello invented “The Shallow Relief” technique, which is when the sculpture seems deep but it actually isn’t that deep. Donatello also made the first bronze sculpture. Donatello also made the first bronze sculpture. David Gattamelata

8 Leonardo da Vinci Born: 15 th of April 1452. Born: 15 th of April 1452. Died: 2 nd of May 1519 (age 67). Died: 2 nd of May 1519 (age 67). Son of a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina. Son of a notary, Piero da Vinci, and a peasant woman, Caterina. A man of many talents, an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. A man of many talents, an Italian polymath, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician and writer. The basis of his genius lies in his artistic achievements. His passion for art and science was significant for the advancement of painting techniques. The basis of his genius lies in his artistic achievements. His passion for art and science was significant for the advancement of painting techniques. Self Portrait Mona Lisa The Last Supper

9 Michelangelo Buonarroti Born: 6 th of March 1475. Born: 6 th of March 1475. Died: 18 th of February 1565 Died: 18 th of February 1565 (age 90). (age 90). Son of Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti di Simoni and Francesca di Neri del Miniato dim Simoni. Son of Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti di Simoni and Francesca di Neri del Miniato dim Simoni. Michelangelo was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. Michelangelo was a painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer. The first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive. The first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive. Julius II hired Michelangelo to paint the walls of the Sistine chapel in Rome. Julius II hired Michelangelo to paint the walls of the Sistine chapel in Rome. The Statue of David Creation of Adam Pieta

10 Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) Born: 6 th of March 1483. Born: 6 th of March 1483. Died: 6 th of April 1520 (age 37). Died: 6 th of April 1520 (age 37). Son of Giovanni Santi and Magia di Battista Ciarla. Son of Giovanni Santi and Magia di Battista Ciarla. Known as the genius of “High Renaissance” (16 th Century). Known as the genius of “High Renaissance” (16 th Century). Raphael changed the way people look at art through his attention to fine detail as a portraitists painter. Raphael changed the way people look at art through his attention to fine detail as a portraitists painter. Raphael’s artworks painted emotional themes and life. Raphael’s artworks painted emotional themes and life. Along with Michelangelo Pope Julius II also hired Raphael to work for him. Along with Michelangelo Pope Julius II also hired Raphael to work for him. Self Portrait The School of Athens Triumph of Galatea

11 Socio-Political Agenda (What impacted the works of this time?) Renaissance started in Italy. Renaissance started in Italy. Trading between cities began to occur and increased the wealth of Italy. Trading between cities began to occur and increased the wealth of Italy. The Roman empire collapsed in 500AD the only unifying force remaining was the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman empire collapsed in 500AD the only unifying force remaining was the Roman Catholic Church. National Monarchs established their power over National Monarchs established their power over the nobility. the nobility.

12 Legacy to Contemporary Art Before the Renaissance period artist were had the same level of respect as carpenters and goldsmiths. Before the Renaissance period artist were had the same level of respect as carpenters and goldsmiths. The new interest in Greek and Roman culture lead to an explosion in knowledge about the human form along with innovations in mathematics and science. The new interest in Greek and Roman culture lead to an explosion in knowledge about the human form along with innovations in mathematics and science. The nude human form, linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, and a new found interest in observing the natural world hallmark the movement. The nude human form, linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, and a new found interest in observing the natural world hallmark the movement. Renaissance art depicted religion in a different perspective, for example religion was always painted very serene and unconcerned but this changed for example Raphael painted Mary looking fitful and worried. Renaissance art depicted religion in a different perspective, for example religion was always painted very serene and unconcerned but this changed for example Raphael painted Mary looking fitful and worried. Without the influence of Renaissance art our understanding of the human form in art and science would have been severely limited. They revolutionised art and forever changed the way people viewed the earth around them. Without the influence of Renaissance art our understanding of the human form in art and science would have been severely limited. They revolutionised art and forever changed the way people viewed the earth around them.

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