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Presentation on theme: "THE ENGLISH RENAISSANCE. LIFESTYLE AND OCCUPATIONS Of the English Renaissance."— Presentation transcript:


2 LIFESTYLE AND OCCUPATIONS Of the English Renaissance

3 Village Life  Village life changed with the seasons  Family’s were close and skills were often passed from father to son  Rural England had its own social hierarchy:  Monarch, lord, Gentury, yeoman, tenants, skilled laborers, and landless unskilled laborers

4 Family Life  Close-knit families  Life determined by whether family was wealthy or not  Women were dominated by men; men mad all decisions and supported family  Children raised to respect parents and elders

5 Hygiene and Diseases  Very unhygienic  No running water or indoor toilets  Fleas, rats, and lice flourished  Diseases common for both wealthy and poor  No knowledge available to treat or prevent disease

6 Occupations  Many occupations live on in current surnames  Work available to be done was abundant  Some common occupations:  Blacksmiths, carpenters, candle makers, fullers, and herbalists

7 INVENTIONS Of the English Renaissance

8 Clocks  First mechanical clock invented in early 1300’s  Time began to be measured in hours with this clock  1600’s- toothed wheel and the screw was first used for the clocks

9 Eyeglasses or Spectacles  1287- first appeared that people wore or held spectacles in paintings  Invented in Italy  1352- the well-educated or rich noblemen only wore them  Owning of books- reading glasses became popular to common people  Made out of wood, lead, copper, bone, and leather

10 Flush Toilet  1596- Sir John Harrington invented first flush toilet  One for himself and for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth  Reinvented by Alexander Cummings 200 yrs. later  Invented the strap (sliding valve between bowl and trap)  Joseph Bramah invented valve in bowl that worked on a hinge

11 Wallpaper  1496- first paper mill in England  English artists created some with designs/print  Before invented, only wealthy could afford it  Used woven tapestries to keep castle walls warmer (designs told stories)  Lower class used painted cloth for home walls

12 Printing Press  Invented in 1436 by Johannes Gutenberg (goldsmith)  Before invention – monks handwrote everything  Gutenberg combined ink, movable typer, paper, and the press to create the printing press  Used it to put ink on many individual letters which were arranged in words to paragraphs  The bible was first book to be used during mass

13 AUTHORS Of the English Renaissance

14 William Shakespeare  William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford.  Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway on November 28, 1582. He was 18 and she was 26 and pregnant.  Shakespeare wrote 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 epic narrative poems.  Shakespeare died allegedly on his birthday April 23, 1616.

15 Christopher Marlowe  Christopher Marlowe was born in February 25, 1564  Was one of Shakespeare’s rivals  There is some evidence that Marlowe’s death was faked, and there was a warrant issued for his arrest a week earlier.  On May 30, 1593 Christopher Marlowe died from a stab wound in a possible government safe house in Deptford.

16 Ben Johnson  Ben Johnson was born around June 11, 1572.  He was educated at Westminster High School by the great classical scholar, William Camden.  He married Anne Lewis on November 14, 1594.  Was one of William Shakespeare’s rivals.  Johnson had a severe stroke in 1628.  Ben Johnson died on August 6, 1637.

17 Thomas Kyd  Thomas Kyd was born in London in 1558.  Kyd got arrested in 1593 on suspicion of posting libels (false publications) on foreigners.  Kyd was released on his testimony that the papers had been left among his effects of Christopher Marlowe in 1591.  Kyd was roommates with Christopher Marlowe  Thomas Kyd died in 1594.

18 Sir Francis Bacon  Sir Francis Bacon was born at York House on January 22, 1561.  Went to Trinity College in Cambridge at the age of 13.  Bacon wrote 59 great pieces of work.  Bacon died on April 9, 1626 from bronchitis.

19 ARTISTS Of the English Renaissance

20 Leonardo da Vinci  Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15 th 1452  When he was 15 his father apprenticed him to the renowned workshop of Andrea del Verrochio in Florence  He stayed there from 1470 to 1475  One of Leonardo’s first big breaks was to paint an angel in Verrochio’s “Baptism of Christ”  Mona Lisa (1503) and “The Last Supper” (1495) were two of his greatest works  Leonardo died in May 2, 1519

21 Michelangelo  Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was his full name  Michelangelo was born on March 6 th 1475 in Caprese, Tuscany, Italy  He was a sculptor, a painter, and an architect  Michelangelo was a Christian, and the church was his greatest patron  He designed the dome of St. Peter’s church in Rome  He died on February 18 th, 1564

22 Donatello  Donatello was born in Florence, Italy in 1383  His earliest work was a marble statue of David  The full power of Donatello’s work first appeared in two marble statues: St. Mark and St. George  He was a master of sculpture in both marble and bronze  He died in the late 1400’s


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