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Return of Chinese Rule Ming China 1368-1644. DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS Confucianism Returns Examination System Scholar Class Powerful Military Best seafaring.

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Presentation on theme: "Return of Chinese Rule Ming China 1368-1644. DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS Confucianism Returns Examination System Scholar Class Powerful Military Best seafaring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Return of Chinese Rule Ming China 1368-1644

2 DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS Confucianism Returns Examination System Scholar Class Powerful Military Best seafaring vessels Mobility through merit One of the largest land empires

3 DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS Urban Revival Rebuilding of the Forbidden City… Beijing Early attempts at Exploration Zheng He Areas of Exploration 1390 Chinese govt. restricts explorations 1430


5 I- Political Characteristics A- Emperor moved the government to Beijing 1-Forbidden city was expanded B- Revival of the examination system 1- Stayed in place until the 20 th c. 2- exams were largely unchanged C- Large armies 1- firearms not as advanced as the west 5

6 II- ECONOMY A- Comerical Activity was very strong merchants still had low status in society confined merchants to one port- Macao B- Technological innovation was lacking during the Ming Many inventions from earlier Chinese times were adapted and improved by Europeans Gunpowder and movable type printing Chinese did not adapt the improved technology and therefore would lag behind 6

7 TRADE AND CULTURE A- Voyages of Zheng He 7

8 8 Ming then Qing Dynasties

9 9 Jesuit influence in China

10 Rise of the Manchus (Qing Dynasty)

11 RISE OF THE MANCHUS (QING DYNASTY) 1644-1911 People from the North Open up trade with Europe— Limited Importance of Tea Boom of Port Cites… Government Structure… Canton Dynarchy

12 Tokugawa Shogunate 1603- 1868

13 Emergence of Tokugawa -End of 1500s – Japan nears anarchy -Ashikaga Shogunate declines; clan wars begin -3 Lords emerge to fight for control -Tokugawa emerges and claims Shogunate in 1603 Tokugawa Ieyasu

14 GREAT PEACE Feudal wars stopped Unites the daimyo New capital at Edo (Tokyo)… More centralized: Shogun’s twin responsibilities Ruling figure & in charge of own domain 1/4 of Japan Samurai take on administrative duties Confucianism reemerges to dominate bureaucratic and intellectual life. = National unification Emperor in Kyoto

15 15 Economic Changes -Rise in commerce and manufacturing -Banking and common currency -Rise of merchant class -Regional sea trade

16 16 Initial period of openness with West - curiosity about the world - Gunpowder tech. introduced by Portuguese - used by Shogun to defeat rivals - Shogunate would limit production

17 17 -Presence of Christian missionaries -efforts led by Jesuits; Francis Xavier -most conversions in southern islands

18 Japan Emerges as an “External Society” Self Imposed Isolation 1612: 1644: Expelling of Christian Missionaries Christianity banned - triggered closing of trade relations with the west

19 Only Dutch Merchants were permitted Dutch did little to spread Christianity Only Nagasaki Harbor Japanese merchants confined to cities and China Commercial Isolation

20 20 Cultural Isolation - Western books were banned - Restricted travel abroad - Rejected idea: “New technology is always good technology” Travel

21 WHY ISOLATION? Fear of outside ideas Samurai Culture = warrior dominance Island Geography Shinto beliefs - uniquely Japanese

22 22 Voyages of St. Francis Xavier

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