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Getting Serious About Closing the Math Achievement Gap Presented to Title 1 Coordinators 1/25/06 Presented by: Dr. Felicia Clark Secondary Math Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Serious About Closing the Math Achievement Gap Presented to Title 1 Coordinators 1/25/06 Presented by: Dr. Felicia Clark Secondary Math Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Serious About Closing the Math Achievement Gap Presented to Title 1 Coordinators 1/25/06 Presented by: Dr. Felicia Clark Secondary Math Coordinator

2 Influences Impeding the Progress of Mathematics Education Tradition or feeling of satisfaction with the status quo Thinking in terms of the subject instead the students Regarding the subject as something permanent Letting the curriculum become a sacred thing Establishment of "minimum standards," Students' dislike for mathematics, Too many failures especially in Algebra (20-40%), Too many standardized tests, Misuse of norms, Too much emphasis on quickness, and Poorly prepared teachers NCTM’s Fourth Yearbook- 1930 Shared by Bill Hadley

3 Ron Edmonds – Effective Schools “We can, whenever we choose, successfully teach all children whose schooling is of interest to us. We already know more than we need to do that. Whether or not we do it must finally depend on how we feel about the fact that we haven’t so far” (1979, p.23).

4 What Works Clearing House Study (see p.12) The math programs that were proven to be effective and that are a demographic match to our student population are… I CAN Learn Connected Math Cognitive Tutor

5 I CAN LEARN 100% Computer Lab (30-35 stations) Lab can be configured for 6 th grade 7 th grade Algebra 1.0 CaHSEE preparation Contact: John Alvendia (888) 263-1390

6 Connected Math 2 (Prentice Hall) Contact: James King (800) 435-3499 x1194 Connected Mathematics Project (CMP) is an investigative approach to learning 6–8 math. that utilizes interactive problems and everyday situations to learn math. (Middle Schools were provided with Connected Math 1 TE’s)

7 Cognitive Tutor 40% Computer; 60% Direct Instruction using CT Text National Contact: Bill Hadley (888) 851-7094 x 109 Local Contact: Carla Howells (310) 937-0205 Bridge to Algebra 7 th Grade standards Laptops and 150 licenses purchased for each middle school Algebra 1 Algebra 1 AB standards Laptops and 150 licenses purchased for each High School Also Available… Geometry Algebra 2 ***I Highly Recommend that you purchase support from Lesson Lab to do Study Groups

8 New Graduation Requirements A to G Requirements: Every student will need to successfully complete three years of High School Mathematics beginning with Algebra 1 (impacts our current 6 th graders) Nationally less than 50% of all students meet this requirement 75% of students who drop out cite mathematics as the reason

9 The Look of Accessible Instruction

10 Past Practice 1)Identify Need: “The teachers say all of the students need ….” Not data supported Not researched based identification of needs that close the achievement gap 2)Strategy: Give all of the students with low grades (or that teachers refer) remediation, repeat the class, etc. Curriculum is what people make-up. 3)Budget Parceled out “More (cheaper) is better” or fund only personnel – not curriculum or curriculum support 1) Identify needs (by student) based on what the data tells you 1) (Computerized instruction can meet individual needs) 2) Strategy: Implement a research based program that is effective and put PD resources towards that initiative 3)Budget 1) Fully Fund (and commit) to the initiative selected and deny funding for “off target” initiatives. Recommended Change

11 Summary Small purchases that augment lessons is not aggressive enough to change the 80+ year trend of math being inaccessible. Purchase effective DESIGNED curriculum and purchase the support (study groups) to help teachers implement something foreign to them. I CAN Learn (888) 263-1390 Cognitive Tutor (888) 851-7094 Connected Math James King (800) 435-3499 x1194 Study Group Support – I highly recommend that teachers meet in small groups every 2 weeks (paid) to study curriculum. Lesson lab has a lesson study protocol. Contact… Lesson Lab Research Institute 3330 Ocean Park Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90405 T: 310/581-2300

12 Questions:

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