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Title ID Subpart 2 Introduction Coordinator Tutorial 2005-2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Title ID Subpart 2 Introduction Coordinator Tutorial 2005-2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title ID Subpart 2 Introduction Coordinator Tutorial 2005-2006

2 Title ID Subpart 2 No Child Left Behind Title ID Supplemental funding for students who are neglected or delinquent Allocated to States

3 Allocations Number of students in Oregon residing in local facilities for neglected or delinquent students Oregon allocates to districts based on funds generated by facilities in districts

4 Allocations District funds may Support a program for at risk students Support educational program in facilities

5 Allocations Facilities Are not entitled to Title ID funding May not receive Title ID allocation

6 Allocations Districts : Are responsible for education of students residing in facility Must evaluate educational program

7 Allocations District must reserve 15% Title ID for transition program IF 70% of students return to district

8 Subgrant Application Continuous Improvement Plan Include neglected or delinquent students in CIP Background Self evaluation Priority concerns Goals Action Plan

9 Subgrant Application Budget Narrative Describe Title ID supported programs Budget Page Separate page for Title ID

10 Contract with Facility Districts are responsible for education of incarcerated or neglected students Title ID Supplements district funding

11 Eligible Facilities Non profit Students are adjudicated or Students are orphaned removed from home for safety abandoned

12 Contract Includes 9 components 1. 1. Coordinates with public school 2. 2. Notifies district of special education needs 3. 3. Transition assistance 4. 4. Encourages students return to school

13 Contract 5. 5. Staff trained to work with students with disabilities 6. 6. Education related to academic standards 7. 7. Technology used in program coordination between facility and community school 8. 8. Involves parents 9. 9. Works with local businesses

14 District Programs Dropout prevention : pregnant and parenting teens, students at least 1 year behind migrants, immigrant, ELL gang members

15 District Programs Coordination of health and social services: day care drug and alcohol counseling mental health services

16 District Programs Special programs including: vocational and technical education special education career counseling

17 Reporting Requirements October Count report number of students residing in facility for neglected or delinquent students for 30 days one of which must be in October District allocation depends on count submitted by deadline

18 Reporting Requirements District Performance Report Due July 15, 2006 Student demographics Facility program offerings Student academic and vocational performance Based on length of stay

19 Reporting Requirements CIP Must include neglected or delinquent students Must be approved Budget Narrative Must describe program Must be approved

20 Reporting Requirements Evaluation Report Due July 15, 2006 Description of district evaluation of: Implementation of contract Effectiveness of educational program and Assessments Implementation of district program

21 Further information Title ID online Tutorial October Count Planning a Title ID Program Contracting and Funding Evaluating a Title ID program USDE Non Regulatory Guidance NCLB Title ID subpart 2

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