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REAL ESTATE INVENTORY SYSTEM Training Seminar - December 1, 2011 Tirana, Albania Guidelines on how to work with the Promise System.

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Presentation on theme: "REAL ESTATE INVENTORY SYSTEM Training Seminar - December 1, 2011 Tirana, Albania Guidelines on how to work with the Promise System."— Presentation transcript:

1 REAL ESTATE INVENTORY SYSTEM Training Seminar - December 1, 2011 Tirana, Albania Guidelines on how to work with the Promise System

2 Institute for Technology and Development (ITD) nonprofit, nongovernmental organization motivated by the challenge to support the development of innovative ideas and technology transfer and to strengthen the academia-industry linkages. founded by leading academic experts mainly from the area of ICT a Bridgehead Organization of EURAXESS Bulgaria 2

3 Main Activities Event Management Training - Usability, FP7, Proposal writing, Project Management Business and ICT Consulting Design and Implementation of Integrated Business and ICT systems Participation in EU Projects PROMISE: Municipal PROperty Management in South Eastern Cities ATLAS (Applied Technology for Language-Aided CMS) - CIP Programme. OpenScout - co-funded by the EU within the eContentplus. It aims at providing an education service in the internet that enables users to easily find, access, use and exchange open content for management education and training. 3

4 Part I - Configuration of the Inventory System Part II – Recording Estates in the Inventory System Part III - Demonstration of Tools for calculating financial indicators 4

5 Part I - Configuration of the Inventory System 5

6 Part I – Content System features Terms used in the system Phases of system exploitation Installation Configuration – default and additional options Recording real estates Demonstration of default system Demonstration of additional configuration options 6

7 Software requirements - server Information system is compatible with Linux and Windows. It may be installed on every OS that supports PHP and MySQL. Web server - Apache or IIS Database – MySQL Scripting language - PHP 7

8 Software requirements - client Information system is web based and may be used with every OS that has web browser with the following capabilities: HTML and CSS support Javascript support 8

9 Real Estate Inventory System Public section– available information for any visitor Private section – accessible only by municipality experts 9

10 Public section Information about PROMISE project Instruments for searching in the database of recorded estates owned by the municipality Filtering and sorting of the search results Printing search results and downloading in excel file. 10

11 Private section (1) Default Default data configuration in the system: According to the elaborated concept within the project; Described characteristics and prototypes; English as default language in the system. Options for additional data configuration: Made only by municipality experts after system installation Creating/editing/ deleting new characteristics Language translation instrument 11

12 Private part (2) Recording Real Estates in the system Presentation of the linked estates based on the Inventory Identification No Instruments for smart searching in the database Instruments for calculating financial indicators 12

13 System Exploitation System Installation& User Administration Data Configuration Estate Recording System Administrator User 1 User 2

14 Installation System administrator in the municipality is responsible for: Installation of the system on a municipality server. The system will be available for installation on a disk and is web based. Management of user profiles and rights. Additional data configuration in the system, according to the municipality requirements and needs. Translation of the system interface using language translation instrument. 14

15 Prototypes – a set of characteristics, describing a property type. Default prototypes – 2 (land and entity) Characteristics – basic units of information in the system Groups of characteristics – similar characteristics could be assigned to a group Data types– used in characteristic description during configuration Inventory Identification Number – linking between estates is a result of automatic analysis of the IIN of each estate. Terms used in the system 15

16 GROUP 1 Relations Prototype Characteristic 1 Data Type Characteristic 2 Data Type Characteristic 3 Data Type Characteristic 4 Data Type GROUP 2 LandEntity

17 Data Types Integer Floating Point Numbers Line text Block text Text Date/Month/Year Date Square meter Running meter Percentage Measurement An exact listing of all values in the database for a certain characteristic Enumerated lists

18 Characteristics Integer Numbers Block text Text Date/Month/Year (Calendar) Date Square meter Measurement An exact listing of all values in the database for a certain characteristic Enumerated lists Cadastral Nr Address Building Permit Date Surface City

19 LOCATION Entity Prototype Entity City Enumeration Complex Enumeration Address Text Market Value EUR Market value date Date Tax Value EUR VALUES

20 Inventory Identification Nr Plot Id Inventory Nr: 68134.4360.279 City Nr/City Sector Nr: 68134 Complex Nr/Building block Nr: 4360 Plot Nr: 279 Object Id Inventory Nr: 68134.4360.279.9.55 City Nr/City Sector Nr: 6813 Complex Nr/Building block Nr: 4360 Plot Nr: 279 Building Nr: 9 Entity Nr: 55 Object Id Inventory Nr: 68134.4360.279.9.56 City Nr/City Sector Nr: 6813 Complex Nr/Building block Nr: 4360 Plot Nr: 279 Building Nr: 9 Entity Nr: 56 20

21 Default system configuration The system is configurated, including: Prototypes – 2 Characteristics – more than 70 Groups of characteristics - 21 21

22 Additional data configuration(1) Performed by an authorized user directly in the system by entering the „Configuration” menu. The process of configuring the data is prior to the estate recording. This is the reason why some of the configuring functions will not available in the process of recording the estates. 22

23 Options for data configuration(2) Creating/Editing/Deleting of: Characteristics Groups Prototypes 23

24 24

25 Inventory System Prototype Demonstration username: test password: test1 25

26 Part II – Recording Estates in the Inventory System 26

27 Estate Recording System Installation& User Administration Data Configuration Estate Recording System Administrator User 1 User 2

28 Recording Estates Estates. Recording Estates is done by a user in the municipality with granted access to the system by using options under menu Estates. 28

29 Options (1) Describe and record an estate in the system Print the record of the described estate Edit characteristic of recorded estate 29

30 Options (2) Review the history of characteristic data changed by a user Relations between estates based on the IIN Review and search in the list of recorded estates 30



33 Search in the database Searching in the list of recorded estates is available through applying the following filters: Inventory Identification Number Description Both – IIN and Description 33

34 Part III - Demonstration of Tools for calculating financial indicators 34

35 Constant Values Year of acquisition Acquisition price Required rate of return 35

36 Entries Changing every year New values are filled in the system for each year Participates in calculating the financial indicators 36

37 Financial Indicators Automatic calculated in the system through formulas including constant values and entries. Calculated values are presented in a table and in a graphic Print of the tables and graphics 37

38 Inventory System Prototype Demonstration 38

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