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Cardiovascular System Blood Vessels. Circulatory System: Blood Vessels.

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Presentation on theme: "Cardiovascular System Blood Vessels. Circulatory System: Blood Vessels."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cardiovascular System Blood Vessels

2 Circulatory System: Blood Vessels

3 Blood Vessel Circuits Pulmonary Circuit  Rt. Ventricle  Lungs  Lf. Atrium Systemic Circuit  Lf. Ventricle  Body Organs  Rt. Atrium

4 Blood Vessel Types

5 Blood Vessel Order, Type, Location

6 Blood Vessel Connections

7 Blood Vessels in Hemostasis

8 Blood Vessel Histology

9 Artery Types Elastic artery Muscular Artery

10 Artery and Vein

11 Artery, Vein, Nerve [VAN]

12 Artery and Vein Compared

13 Muscular (distributing) arteries / veins

14 Arteriole

15 Microcirculation

16 Capillary Types  Continuous  Fenestrated  Sinusoidal /Discontinuous Function

17 Capillary Types

18 Blood Brain Barrier

19 Fenestrated Capillaries lungs kidneys

20 Blood Vessels: Capillary vs. A. / V. capillary A A V N N A = artery V = vein N = nerve

21 Valves

22 Skeletal Muscle Pumps

23 Vascular (venous) sinuses Define Examples  Dural sinuses  Coronary Sinus

24 Varicose Veins

25 Pulmonary Circuit

26 Pulmonary Circuit Route Right Ventricle Pulmonary Trunk Rt./Lf. Pulmonary aa Rt./Lf. Pulmonary arterioles Rt./Lf. Pulmonary capillaries Rt./Lf. Pulmonary venules Rt./Lf. Pulmonary veins Left Atrium

27 Systemic Circuit

28 Aortic Arch: Human Specimen

29 Artery and Vein Generalized

30 Aortic Arch Branches

31 Blood Vessels and Nerves of the arm

32 Carotid and Vertebral Arteries

33 External Carotid Artery Branches

34 Carotid Arteries and Vagus Nerve

35 Circle of Willis

36 Cerebral Blood Supply from Willis

37 Basilar and Internal Carotid Arteries

38 Sheep Brain Specimen

39 Abdominal Aorta

40 Arterial Pathways Summarized

41 Venous Return from Upper Body

42 Venous Drainage from Brain

43 Venous Return from the Lower Body

44 PosteriorAnterior

45 PosteriorAnterior


47 Pulse Points Identify major pulse point areas Define pulse Define pulse pressure How does pulse relate to CO? Determine Blood pressure

48 Special Circulations Anastomosis  Heart  Brain  Kidney Portal Systems  Liver  Hypothalamus Fetus

49 Anastomosis Define Types  Arterial  Venous  Surgical Function  Collateral circulation

50 Coronary Circuit Ascending Aorta  Right Coronary Artery Posterior Interventricular a. Marginal a.  Left Coronary Artery Anterior Interventricular a. Circumflex a. Cardiac Veins  Great  Middle  Small Coronary Sinus Rt. Atrium

51 Heart Circulation on Models

52 Brain Circulation

53 Arterial Anastomoses

54 Renal and Liver Circulation Overview

55 Renal

56 Hepatic Portal System

57 Hypophyseal Portal System

58 Gut Circulation & Hepatic Portal System

59 Fetal Circulation

60 Dissection Specimens

61 Thorax

62 Thorax and Neck


64 Abdomen

65 Front Limb

66 Hind Limb

67 Blood Flow Formula  BF = ^P / R Define Terms  BF  Pressure  Resistance Factors  BF Oxygen theory Myogenic theory  BP = CO x PR Neural Hormonal Renal  R : 8Ln / pi x r to 4 th power Length Viscosity Radius

68 Blood Flow

69 Resistance, Pressure, Velocity Peripheral Resistance  Vascular diameter Most resistance in small vessels  Vascular Length  Viscosity  Turbulence Rough surface

70 Change in Vessel Diameter

71 Blood Pressure

72 Blood Pressure Factors Neural  Baroreceptors  ANS Vasomotor centers Cardiac center Chemical  Hormonal ADH ANP EPO  Gases: pO2, pCO2 Renal

73 Renal Blood Pressure Controls

74 Problems Hemorrhage Circulatory Shock  Compensatory  Progressive  Irreversible

75 Fluid Compartments

76 Fluid Percentage for ECF and ICF

77 Capillary Flow

78 Pressures at Capillary Source  Heart = Hydraulic [Hydrostatic; changing]  Colloid = Albumin [from liver, constant] Location  BV = Capillary [or blood]  Tissue Spaces = Interstitial 4 pressures as a result of source + location  CHP  COP  IHP  IOP

79 Fluid Compartments

80 Fluid Movement

81 E.M. photo of a Capillary

82 Capillary Exchange Hydrostatic Pressure (HP)  Outward force  BP from heart directly effects  Forces fluid to leave (arterial end) capillary  ISCF Osmotic Pressure (OP)  Pulling force  Proteins in plasma  Forces fluid from ISCF  capillary (venous end)

83 Capillary Dynamics

84 Net Pressures CHP > COP causing filtration CHP = COP causing no net movement CHP < COP causing absorption IHP is fluid left over from previous CO cycle. Usually zero due to lymphatics IOP is fluid left over due to solids not reclaimed by COP. Usually not a factor due to lymphatic system.

85 Capillary Dynamics Summary

86 Renal Circulation in capillary dynamics

87 Capillary Dynamic Changes

88 Problems Hypertension atherosclerosis aneurysm

89 Metastasis

90 Questions?

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