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THEA Reading Objectives #1-6 Word Meaning Main Idea /details Author’s Intent Idea Relationships Critical Thinking Study Skills.

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1 THEA Reading Objectives #1-6 Word Meaning Main Idea /details Author’s Intent Idea Relationships Critical Thinking Study Skills

2 THEA Reading Objective #1 Word Meaning Spring 2012

3 3 types of questions (skills) 1. Words with multiple meanings 2. Figurative expressions 3. Unfamiliar and uncommon words and phrases

4 Skill #1: What is a Multiple Meaning word?  A word with more than one meaning.  Examples: –left She left the room. There are no cookies left in the box. He turned left at the corner. –shot –rock –see journals for examples

5 flag Always make sure to check how the word is being used IN THE SELECTION!

6 cross Always make sure to check how the word is being used IN THE SELECTION!

7 THEA example What is the meaning of the word locks as it is used in the paragraph? A. tufts of wool B. hair C. firm holds D. fasteners

8 The fiery ball sank lower and lower in the sky. For a moment, it was a strange, round cheeked maiden with brilliant curly locks blowing out behind her in the wind. She floated, suspended above the rippled carpet of clouds, then silently slipped from sight. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense. A. tufts of wool B. hair C. firm holds D. fasteners

9 With multiple meaning words, always make sure to check how the word is being used IN THE SELECTION! Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.

10 Skill #2: Figurative Language Watch out! The author says one thing but means another! It’s as dry as a bone. He’s as stubborn as a mule. She’s going to kill me if she finds out. Money talks. His mind is a computer We walked forever.We walked forever.

11 THEA Example 1. In the selection, the writer uses the phrase the round-cheeked maiden to refer to: A.a cloud B.the wind C.a young woman D.the sun

12 THEA Example 1. In the selection, the writer uses the phrase the round-cheeked maiden to refer to: A.a cloud B.the wind C.a young woman D.the sun The fiery ball sank lower and lower in the sky. For a moment, it was a strange, round cheeked maiden with brilliant curly locks blowing out behind her in the wind. She floated, suspended above the rippled carpet of clouds, then silently slipped from sight. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.

13 Skill #3: Unfamiliaranduncommon words and phrases

14 THEA example: 1. Which of the following is the best meaning of the word restively as used in the paragraph? A. anxiously B. sleepily C. happily

15 How do I figure out the correct answer? 1. Use context clues  words or sentences surrounding the mystery word that assist you in determining its meaning  EXAMPLES  SYNONYMS  ANTONYMS  GENERAL SENSE OF THE SENTENCE 2. Use word structure  This refers to how the mystery word is built. Check for prefixes, familiar root words and suffixes. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.

16 CONTEXT CLUES: EXAMPLES You can greatly help your budget by being frugal. For instance, using store coupons and waiting for expensive items to be on sale can save a lot of money. a. hardworking b. patient c. thrifty a. hardworking b. patient c. thrifty

17 CONTEXT CLUES: SYNONYMS Barry was ecstatic when Lynda agreed to marry him. He was so overjoyed that he burst out singing on his way home. Barry was ecstatic when Lynda agreed to marry him. He was so overjoyed that he burst out singing on his way home.

18 CONTEXT CLUES: ANTONYMS “I’m willing to affirm that I was present when the crime was committed,” the witness said. “But I strongly deny that I took part in it.” “I’m willing to affirm that I was present when the crime was committed,” the witness said. “But I strongly deny that I took part in it.” A. guess B. predict C. state as true D. forget D. forget

19 1. Which of the following is the best meaning of the word restively as used in the paragraph? A. anxiously B. quietly C. happily Jason listened carefully. The horses neighed restively in their stalls. The henhouse practically shook with the birds’ anxious squawking. Drummer, the puppy, barked uneasily at Jason’s heels. All the animals seemed to sense that something was about to happen. Then, suddenly, the ranch was as quiescent as a deserted battlefield. Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.

20 Word Structure PensiveExiledAquamarineCombatantPrenatalGenocideDilemma

21 Review 1. Under the reading THEA Objective #1, what are the three types of questions you will encounter? 2. What is a multiple meaning word? Explain. Give examples not mentioned on the notes. 3. What must you remember to do in order to correctly answer a multiple meaning word question? 4. Explain context clues. 5. Explain word structure. 6. Give 2 examples of figurative expressions not listed on the notes. 7. Why is it important to know about figurative expressions? Always plug your choice into the paragraph to make sure in makes sense.

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