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Presentation on theme: "PROPOSAL FOR A 100% ORGANIC LABEL SYNABIO – 26/09/2013."— Presentation transcript:


2 2 Reminder of the ongoing regulation Organic agricultural origin ingredients Other agricultural origin ingredients 0 to 5 % of agricultural origin ingredients are non organic 95 to 100 % of agricultural origin ingredients are organic Substances not taken into account in the organic percentage Water and Salt Additives and flavours

3 3 Organic agricultural origin raw materials Water and salt Agricultural origin ingredients:  Agricultural origin raw materials => 100% Organic  Flavouring preparations => 100% Organic  Additives with asterisk from current annex VIII of REC 889/2008 => Organic or less than 5% of the agricultural origin ingredients Other ingredients:  Natural flavours (potentially organic)  Additives with no asterisk from current annex VIII of REC 889/2008 100 % OF THE AGRICULTURAL ORIGIN RAW MATERIALS AND FLAVOURING PREPARATIONS ARE ORGANIC Substances not taken into account in the organic ingredients percentage Labelling a food product 100% organic : SYNABIO’s proposal Natural Flavours Organic flavouring Preparations Additives with no * Additives with *

4 4 Details and advantages  This proposition would imply:  The suppression of Annex IX ;  The suppression of national derogations for organic ingredients (excepted in case of natural disaster) ;  A change in the calculation of the organic percentage for the purpose of labelling: Only raw materials and flavouring preparations will be taken into account in the calculation of the organic percentage for the purpose of labelling ; Additives with asterisk from current annex VIII of REC 889/2008 will still have to weight less than 5% of the agricultural origin ingredients if not organic.  The advantages of these modifications are:  Clarifying the information for the consumer and the medias ;  Highlighting the 100% organic quality developed in the recipes of the majority of processors ;  Developing the organic sector: By promoting a maximal use of organic agricultural origin ingredients in food products recipes ; By promoting exp  Researches on processes for additives, processing aids and flavours have still to be made in order to fulfill the long term objective of 100% organic ingredients products.

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