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Szeged - Timisoara axis for the safe food and feed HURO / 0901/147/2.2.2 Acronym: SZETISA 1 LP - Szeged University PP- Banat University of Agricultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Szeged - Timisoara axis for the safe food and feed HURO / 0901/147/2.2.2 Acronym: SZETISA 1 LP - Szeged University PP- Banat University of Agricultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Szeged - Timisoara axis for the safe food and feed HURO / 0901/147/2.2.2 Acronym: SZETISA 1 LP - Szeged University PP- Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara

2 Determination of microelements as affected by microbial toxins in wheat Fusarium detection The analyzed material Artificially infected material - 2 wheat cultivars - Szeged Fusarium graminearum Toxin quantification Fusarium quantification SYBR Green Different organs Different periods of infection Fc 12375 Fc 12551 Fusarium culmorum Fg 13.05 Fg 15A2

3 Wheat specimen spontaneously and naturally infected - collected in Romania Samples – 2010 – 6 samples collected from diferent regions Samples -– the samples will be collected from large wheat farms from Timis and Arad county (July, 2011) Fusarium strain identification Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium culmorum – producing deoxinivalenol Fusarium verticillioides - producing fumonizin Fusarium proliferatum - producing fumonizin Toxin quantification How many samples?

4 The analyzed material Determination of microelements as affected by microbial toxins in maize. Samples – 2010 – 2 samples Bt and conventional feed containing soybean and corn Samples – the samples will be collected from farms where GMO corn is cultivated and also from large corn farms from Timis and Arad county (September, 2011) 2 corn cultivars - genetically modified (Bt) and conventional from different locations Genetically modification confirmation Fusarium strain identification Toxin quantification How many samples?

5 DNA extraction and purification WORKING METHODOLOGY Fungi Fungi from grains - wheat and corn feed PCR amplification Toxin quantification Strain identification Gene encoding the toxins Quantitative PCR Strain quantification Identifications of Fusarium strains toxin producers and nonproducers – distinguished on the basis of DNA polymorphism in the –tubulin gene as well as in the large ribosomal subunit or the internal transcribed spacer

6 Transgene detection MAIZE SAMPLES Mon 810 construct gene

7 Determination of microelements as affected by heavy metal load in alfalfa. Two alfalfa cultivars of different susceptibilities to heavy metal (HM) were selected. The analyzed material Satelit (sensitive) Sigma (tolerant)

8 Heavy metals treatments (Cd, Pb, Cu, Fe) DNA fingerprint Heavy metalConc (ppm) Cd131020 Pb50100250500 Cu20100250500 Fe???? Preparing alfalfa plants for all the experimental variants – growth chamber The genetic relationship between two genotypes The intragenotype characterization


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