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 The Three Branches of Government Chapter 3 Section 2.

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1  The Three Branches of Government Chapter 3 Section 2

2 Legislative Branch  Congress has expressed powers  Also called enumerated powers – why?  What is the elastic clause?

3 Executive Branch  Has broad but vague powers  Presidential powers have only increased since Washington  First presidents had free time, by contrast current presidents are time to the minute.  Help run the federal bureaucracy

4 The Judicial Branch  Federal courts also known as dual court system – why?  What is a courts jurisdiction?  What factors determine federal jurisdiction?  Supreme Court can only be overturned by a Constitutional Amendment or a new federal statute.

5 Break  Choose a branch of government. Describe what it does and how it relates to the other two branches.  Discuss your answer with a partner. Inquire why they chose the branch they did. Record the responses.

6 Shared Power and Conflict  President as Legislator  President has initiative to recommend laws to Congress  President vs. Congress  Conflict comes through the separation – why?

7 Shared Power and Conflict  Congress vs. the Courts  How would Congress and the Courts come into conflict?  Supreme Court vs. the President  President has at times refused to follow a courts decision

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