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General Properties of Viruses
Dr. Yagoub Hmadt Allah Ass. Prof. medical microbiology
General Properties of virus
It is very smallest infectious agent (20 –350nm) Obligate intracellular parasites Contain only one type of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA Do not possess cellular organization Lacks enzymes necessary for protein & NA synthesis Depends on host cell machinery for replication Causes a large no. of human diseases ranging from minor ailments like common cold to terrifying diseases such as rabies, HIV etc. 1/1/2013 Dr .yagoub, Microbiology
General Properties Morphology – size, structure, shape, chemical properties, resistance Replication Hemagglutination Cultivation Viral assay Viral infections: virus-host interactions 1/1/2013 Dr .yagoub, Microbiology
Morphology - Size Much smaller than bacteria
“Filterable agents” – can pass through filters that can hold back bacteria Vary widely in size: Largest – poxvirus (300nm) Smallest – parvovirus (20nm) Virion – extracellular infectious virus particle 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
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Morphology - Structure of Virus
ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Morphology - Structure of Virus Nucleic acid Capsid Envelope Peplomer Size in nanometers 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Morphology – Structure & Shape of a virus
Nucleic acid & capsid with or without envelope. Capsid – the protein coat surrounding the nucleic acid core. It protects nucleic acid from inactivation helps to introduce viral genome into host cell Capsomers - the repeating protein subunits that make up the capsid Protomers – the polypeptide chains which make up the capsomers 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub Microbiology
4. Mature Capsid 1. Protomers 2. Capsomers 3. Pro-Capsid 1/1/2013
Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Morphology – Structure & Shape of a virus: Capsid
Capsomers – symmetrically arranged to form an impenetrable shell (capsid) around the nucleic acid core. This symmetry is of two types: Icosahedral (cubical) Helical 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Morphology – Structure & Shape of a virus: Capsid
Icosahedron – a polygon with 12 corners (vertices) & 20 sides (facets) Side – equilateral triangle Two types of capsomers form the capsid Pentagonal capsomers form the vertices Hexagonal capsomers form the sides. Helical – the capsomers & nucleic acid are wound together to form a helical or spiral tube. The overall shape of virus is quite variable, but mostly they are spherical. 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Morphology – Structure & Shape of a virus: Envelope
May or may not be present Derived from the host cell membrane Lipoprotein in nature – lipid is of host cell origin while protein is from virus. Protein subunits seen as projecting spikes on the surface of envelope – called Peplomer. A virus may have more than one type of peplomer e.g. influenza virus. Confers chemical, antigenic & biological properties. Susceptible to lipid solvents 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Resistance Very heat labile but stable at low temperatures
Inactivated within seconds at 56C. Can be kept frozen at -70C for long term storage. Inactivated by sunlight, UV rays & ionising radiations. More resistant than bacteria to chemical disinfectants. Most active antiviral agents (virucidal) – oxidising agents like hydrogen peroxide, potassium permangnate, hypochlorites 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Viral replication Viruses have no metabolic activity of their own. Therefore, they depend on living cells for providing energy and synthetic machinery for synthesis of : 1- viral nucleic acid , 2- viral protein. The virus genome provides the host cell with the genetic information needed for its replication. 4/24/2017 Dr y.h, Microbiology
The sequence of events for virus replication
Stages in virus replication begin when virions infect cells Attachment/ Adsorption Penetration Uncoating Biosynthesis Maturation & Assembly Release 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
1- Attachment: virus and cell are brought into contact by random collision, but attachment occurs if the cell membrane contains specific receptors for the virus, e.g HIV binds to CD4 receptors on helper T cells. 2- penetration and uncoating: non envoloped virions are taken into animal cells by endocytosis where they are uncoated by lysosomal enzymes. Enveloped viruses penetrate the membrane by fusion between the virus envelope and the cell membrane releasing the nucleocapsid into the cell; uncoating may occur at the cell surface. Uncoating renders viral nucleic acid accessible for transcription and replication. 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub.h, Microbiology
Pathways for Viral Entry into Host Cell
Surface Fusion Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis Fusion in Endosome Lysis of Endosome 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Viral Replication 3- Eclipse phase : it is the period after penetration during which no infectious virus componant can be detected inside the host cell. During this phase the cell rediracted toward synthesizing early proteins (enzymes) which are essential for viral replication. {from the stage of penetration till the appearance of mature daughter virions, the virions cannot be detected inside the host cell}. 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
4- Intracellular viral synthesis: it includes synthesis of both viral nucleic acid and proteins. The viral nucleic acid (genome) replicates by using strand of the parental nucleic acid as a template for the production of progeny DNA or RNA molecules. The essential step in protein synthesis is transcription of mRNA from viral nucleic acid. 4/24/2017 Dr .Yagoub.H, Microbiology
-ss DNA RNA polymerase mRNA
The mRNA is translated to viral proteins (capsid and enzymes) using host cell ribosomes. The mRNA transcription varies depending on the nucleic acid type: In double stranded (ds) DNA viruses, mRNA is transcribed from DNA by DNA dependent RNA polymerase ( transcriptase). +ss DNA ds DNA- -ss DNA RNA polymerase mRNA 4/24/2017
b. In single stranded RNA viruses of positive polarity (+ sense) the ssRNA itself acts as mRNA for translation into proteins. + ssRNA = mRNA c. The ssRNA viruses of negative polarity ( - sense) must be transcribed by RNA dependent RNA polymerase – which is present in the virus into complementary (+ sense) m RNA . – ssRNA RNA polymerase + ssRNA = mRNA 4/24/2017 Y.H, Microbiology
d. The ssRNA of retroviruses (+ sense) is transcribed by a unique virion associated reverse transcriptase into complementary ssDNA, which is converted into dsDNA, which becomes integrated into the cellular genome causing malignant transformation of cells in vivo and in vitro. It may be transcribed into mRNA Integrated +ssRNA Reverse transcriptase ssDNA dsDNA Transcribed to mRNA 4/24/2017 Dr y.h Microbiology
e. Assembly of viral nucleic acid and protein coats to form mature virus particles occurs in the cytoplasm ( e.g. poliovirus) or in the nucleus e.g herpes viruses. f. Release: mature virus particles will accumulate in the cell in enonmous number and are liberated by rupturing the cell i.e cytolysis. The viruses may release by a slow process of leaking or budding through the cell membrane. Enveloped viruses will acquired lipoprotein envelope during budding. 4/24/2017 Microbiology
Classification of medical important viruses:
The classification of viruses depends on their structure, antigenic composition and other properties. Viral famillies and genera have been designated, though differentiation into species is still incomplete. Viruses are classified into two major divisions depending on the type of nucleic acid. 4/24/2017 Dr y.h, Microbiology
1- deoxyriboviruses, which contain DNA.
2- riboviruses, which contain RNA. Both of these are further subdivided mainly on the basis of size and shape of the virion, symmetry of the nucleocapsid and strandness of the nucleic acid. 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadta Allah Microbiology
Major families of viruses are briefly are: A- DNA viruses:
parvoviridae: Size : 18 – 26 nm Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : absent DNA : single stranded Example : parvovirus which cause gastroenteritis and haemolytic disease 4/24/2017 Dr .yagoub hamadt allah, Microbiology
Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : absent DNA : double stranded
2- papovaviridae: Size : 40 – 55 nm Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : absent DNA : double stranded Example : i.papilloma virus which causes cutaneous, genital and laryngeal warts. ii. Polyomavirus which cause neurological diseases 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadt allah, Microbiology
Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : absent DNA : double stranded
3- Adenoviridae: Size : 70 – 90 nm Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : absent DNA : double stranded Example : adenovirus.some can cause respiratory disease and conjunctivitis. 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadtallah, Microbiology
Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : present DNA : double stranded
4- herpesviridae: Size : 100 – 200 nm Symmetry : icosahedral Envelope : present DNA : double stranded Example : i. herpes simplex virus ii. Varicella /zoster viruses. 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadtallah, Microbiology
Size : 300 – 450 nmX170 -260nm(brick shaped) Symmetry : unknown
5- poxviridae: Size : 300 – 450 nmX nm(brick shaped) Symmetry : unknown Envelope : present DNA : double stranded Example : poxviruses –Variola, cowpox, monkey pox….. 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadt allah, Microbiology
DNA : partially double stranded Example : hepatitis – B virus
6- hepadnairidae: Size : 42 nm Symmetry : unknown Envelope : present DNA : partially double stranded Example : hepatitis – B virus 4/24/2017 Dr yagoub hamadt allah, Microbiology
Riboviruses(RNA viruses):
RNA viruses included: 1- Picornaviridae. 2- Reoviridae (double stranded). 3- Orthomyxoviridae. 4- Paramyxoviridae. 5- Rhabdoviridae. 6- Bunyaviridae. 4/24/2017 Dr y.h, Microbiology
7- Coronaviridae. 8- Togaviridae. 9 Arenaviridae. 10- Retroviridae.
4/24/2017 Dr Ekta, Microbiology
Abnormal Replicative Cycles
Incomplete viruses - A proportion of daughter virions are not infective, due to defective assembly. Defective viruses – genetically defective, unable to give rise to fully formed progeny. Abortive infection – defect in the type of cell (non permissive cell), not in the parental viruses. 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Viral Hemagglutination
Originally seen with the Influenza virus by Hirst in 1941. A convenient method of detection & assay of Influenza virus. Due to the presence of Hemagglutinin spikes on the surface. Reversal of hemagglutination – Elution Due to the presence of Neuraminidase enzyme, Receptor Destroying Enzyme (RDE) Destruction of receptor – reversal of hemagglutination – release of virus from the red cell surface Found only in Myxoviuses. 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Virus Culture Embryonated Egg Cell Lines/ Tissue cultures
Chorioallantioc membrane (CAM) Allantoic cavity Amniotic cavity Yolk Sac Cell Lines/ Tissue cultures Primary Diploid/ Secondary Continuous Animal inoculation Suckling mice 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Embryonated Hen’s Egg Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) – visible lesions called pocks. Each infectious virus particle forms one pock. e.g. Variola, Vaccinia virus Allantoic cavity – Influenza virus (vaccine production) & paramyxoviruses Amniotic cavity – primary isolation of Influenza virus Yolk sac – Chlmyadia, Rickettsiae & some viruses 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Embryonated Hen’s Egg 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Viral Assay Viral content of a specimen: Total no. of
Virus particles – EM, HA Infectious virions only Assay of Infectivity: two types Quantitative assays – actual no. of infectious particle in an inoculum Quantal assays – indicate the presence or absence of infectious viruses, carried out in animals, eggs or tissue cultures 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
Viral Assay Assay of Infectivity: Quantitative assays
Plaque assay in monolayer cell cultures Pock assay on CAM *Each plaque/ pock represents one infectious virus. Plaques are clear zones that develop on lawns of host cells. The virus plaque is analogous to the bacterial colony. 1/1/2013 Dr yagoub, Microbiology
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