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25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of FPD detector Content Page General2 Calibration 3 Taking data (Calibration or Pedestal.

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Presentation on theme: "25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of FPD detector Content Page General2 Calibration 3 Taking data (Calibration or Pedestal."— Presentation transcript:

1 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 1 Calibration of FPD detector Content Page General2 Calibration 3 Taking data (Calibration or Pedestal Run) 12-20 Looking at data 24 Pedestal Run 31

2 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 2 General FPD calibration will be done at cft location in Control Room Cft shifter must agree for fpd calibration to be done Fpd calibration will be done by qualified fpd person or jadzia or Fred Cft shifter will participate in Ending Actions Cft or fpd shifter will document in eLog the actions taken Persons qualified to do fpd calibration: Ricardo Ramirez Jadzia, ext 8341, home: 357-4232 Fred

3 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 3 Introduction Fpd boards are read-out by last VRB in VRB crate 0x52 There are two possible run you may want to take: Calibration run, this is needed after every change in hardware, before taking data in physics run Pedestal run, is much simpler than calibration run, new calibration constants are not generated in this run. Pedestal run allows you to check, for example, rms of pedestals. Calibration run generates the following constants: Vref: this is voltage which makes SVX sensitive to input charge SVX threshold: threshold for running in zero-suppressed mode

4 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 4 Calibration in Brief Ask Daq shifter to take crates 0x50, 0x52, and 0x13 out of global run Disable cft VRBs in crate 0x52 Calibrate vref and SVX thresholds Set parameters and download Take data Transfer calibration results from calibration tables to electronic tables Check the quality of calibration run Enable cft VRBs Download for global running Since calibration is taken in non-sparsified mode, one needs to switch to sparsified mode after calibration is over: Change Use Global Threshold in SVX Parameter page to non-asserted Download

5 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 5 Disabling cft VRBs First open cft_gui ( most probably it will be open so you can skip this point) setup d0online cft_gui Click details for VRBCR_52, this will bring the picture of crate 52 ( it could be open before, in that case you can skip this point) To get rid of unwanted menu click right on it.

6 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 6 Disabling cft VRBs VRB_5215, VRB_5216, VRB_5217 and VRB_5219 need to be disabled Right click on VRB_5215

7 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 7 Disabling cft VRBs Next left click disable Right click on menu containing item disable to get rid of the menu

8 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 8 Disabling cft VRBs Disable all cft VRBs, they should turn yellow Now you will be calibrating only fpd detector

9 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 9 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Setting Parameters for Calibration Click on "global parameter" Click on “SVX Parameter” Click on "SDAQ Parameter"

10 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 10 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Setting Parameters Set Parameters: Click "Modiify databse" Notice: SDAQ Parameter nsteps_v_thres 0x0 nsteps_v_ref 0x86 v_ref 0x78 nevents_sift_hits 0x0 run_number 100.0 Itc selected SVX Parameter Use Global Threshold selected

11 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 11 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Downloading Click download for VRBCR_52 Wait until download buttons turn green

12 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 12 Taking data Terminal to ioc in crate 0x52 Calibration program will be running on PPC in crate 52. Locate or create terminal window to PPC in crate 52 To create terminal window type: “telnet t-d0-mch2 2019” You should see terminal prompt “->” Only one terminal window can be opened, so this operation will not be successful if terminal was opened before Calibration program will output messages in terminal window

13 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 13 Taking Data Start taker (or use the one that is already started) Setup d0online Taker Click on "Modify" Click on "Change Trigger"

14 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 14 Taking data Choosing Configuration File for Taker Choose the configuration file for taker Select Calibration Select cft

15 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 15 Taking data Choose Configuration File for Taker Choose Calib-52-1.1 Click "OK"

16 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 16 Taking Data Hit Start in Taker window Select "calibration" for "Run_Type" Start button will change to Stop Watch ioc terminals for errors If you see burst of100 or more of error messages : ssdaqOCE-xERROR Stop run by hitting stop in taker window Reboot all ios by hitting ctrl x Re-download the offending crate Go back to first page of Taking data

17 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 17 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Taking Data Do not worry if errors are like that:

18 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 18 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Taking Data Do not worry if errors are like this: (here SDAQ cured feb)

19 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 19 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Taking Data Do not worry if errors like this appear:

20 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 20 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Taking data Wait untill Stop button will turn to Start in taker window Check DAQ monitor: Rate should be ~x Hz, 9x % L1 busy Write in e-Log calibration run number

21 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 21 Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds Transfering vref and SVX thresholds to Electronic Database For each crate: Left click on VRBCR_x Hit new vref Hit new SVX threshold Examine printout in window from which cft_gui was started, check run number, should be the same as run number in taker window It the run number is not as expected wait a few minutes and try again new.

22 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 22 For each crate: Click "plot ThresVrefVthres" Click "plot Vref change" Click "plot SVX Thresh change" Calibration of vref and SVX thresholds How to compare current calibration values to the old ones

23 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 23 Checking the quality of Calibration run Checking Calibration Data In Database Clicking on plot ThreshVrefVthres will display calibration result Clicking on plot Vref change will display the change of vref as compared to vref from previous calibration run. Similary click plot SVX Thresh change

24 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 24 Looking at data Program cft_sdaq will allow you to look at histograms accumulated in the calibration run. To invoke the program: setup d0online cft_sdaq Answer : Check folder in Control Room for user_name and password Histoscope and CFT Online Calibration windows will appear

25 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 25 Looking at data Expand VRBCR_52 Highlight FPD_VRB_5219 Choose histograms you want. Here AFE Rms were chosen Click Start Go to histoscope window to see the histograms

26 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 26 Looking at data Also AFE Mean could be of interest

27 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 27 Looking at data Also of interest are: Pulse Height OnlyChannel 61 AFE Hit Map

28 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 28 Ending Actions Re-enable all VRBs Plot ThreshVrefVthres Plot Vref change Plot SVX Thresh change

29 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 29 Ending Actions You should see no change for cft boards

30 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 30 Ending Actions Deselect Use Global Threshold Modify database Download crate 52

31 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 31 Pedestal Run in Brief Ask Daq shifter to take crates 0x50, 0x52, and 0x13 out of global run Set parameters and download Take data Download for global running Since calibration is taken in non-sparsified mode, one needs to switch to sparsified mode after calibration is over: Change Use Global Threshold in SVX Parameter page to non-asserted Download

32 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 32 Setting Parameters for Pedestal Run Click on "global parameter" Click on “SVX Parameter” Click on "SDAQ Parameter"

33 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 33 Setting Parameters for Pedestal Run Set Parameters Click "Modiify databse" Notice: SDAQ Parameter nsteps_v_thres 0x0 nsteps_v_ref 0x0 v_ref 0x78 nevents_sift_hits 0x0 run_number 100.0 Itc NOT selected SVX Parameter Use Global Threshold selected

34 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 34 Pedestal Run Downloading Click download for VRBCR_52 Wait until download buttons turn green

35 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 35 Pedestal Run Taking Data Take data, as described on pages 12-19 Run ends when you will see on ioc terminal message: Calibration run finished successfully Hit “Stop” in taker window

36 25-May-03 jadzia warchol, ext. 8341, phone 357-4232 36 Ending Actions Deselect Use Global Threshold Modify database Download crate 52

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