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Traffic Operational Command Unit Chief Superintendent David Snelling.

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Presentation on theme: "Traffic Operational Command Unit Chief Superintendent David Snelling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Traffic Operational Command Unit Chief Superintendent David Snelling

2 Traffic Operational Command Unit Why the ACPO Roads Policing Strategy and traffic enforcement is important “Mary Lou” Courtesy of Greg Harper (

3 Traffic Operational Command Unit ACPO Roads Policing Strategy Deny criminals use of the roads by enforcing the law Reduce road casualties Tackle the threat of terrorism Reduce anti-social use of the roads Enhance public confidence and reassurance by patrolling the roads

4 Traffic Operational Command Unit 2,538 fatal casualties 28,567 Serious Personal Injury casualties This equates to 7 fatalities and 78 SPIs a day on the UK’s Roads In the UK in 2008 there were: THREAT

5 Traffic Operational Command Unit In the MPS in 2008 there were: This equates to 4 fatalities a week and 10 SPIs a day on the Capital’s Roads 204 fatal casualties 3481 Serious Personal Injury casualties

6 Traffic Operational Command Unit HARM Nationally the total estimated costs of all road collisions is £18 billion per year. Source: House of Commons Transport Select Committee The estimated cost of each Fatal Collision is £1.5 million. In London last year there were 232 Fatal Collisions which equates to an estimated cost of £348 million.

7 Traffic Operational Command Unit Drivers who drive fast regardless of the circumstances have a collision risk 3 – 5 times greater than drivers who don’t. Source: Roadcraft

8 Traffic Operational Command Unit Research indicates that up to 95% of road collisions are attributable to human error.

9 Traffic Operational Command Unit Those who commit traffic offences are more likely to be involved in other criminal activities

10 Traffic Operational Command Unit Increased traffic enforcement is one way to disrupt or restrict a criminal’s activities

11 Traffic Operational Command Unit 17% of disquals have a previous conviction for disqualified driving Research has shown that 79% of disqualified drivers have criminal convictions

12 Traffic Operational Command Unit Uninsured Drivers “UK Context” (Motor Insurers’ Bureau) £380 Million compensation paid out by the Guarantee Fund – In the UK the MIB 300,000 + convictions per year In the UK an estimated 2 Million or 6.5% (1 in 15) of all drivers are uninsured. Uninsured drivers add an average of £30 to every policy

13 Traffic Operational Command Unit Unlicensed Drivers Are 2.7 to 9 times more likely to be involved in a collision NELIs ( NEver held a LIcence ) Provisionals Disquals Revocations In just over 3% of Personal Injury collisions a driver is prosecuted for unlicensed driving

14 Traffic Operational Command Unit Uninsured Drivers Road Safety Issues: Uninsured driver 10 x more likely to have a drink drive conviction. Uninsured drivers 6 x more likely to be driving an unsafe vehicle Uninsured drivers 3 x more likely to have a conviction for driving without due care and attention In 2006 uninsured drivers were responsible for killing 160 People and injuring 23,000

15 Traffic Operational Command Unit 7 Children are killed or seriously injured EVERY DAY walking or cycling on UK roads

16 Traffic Operational Command Unit It is estimated that one in five of all crashes is caused by driver fatigue. In a YouGov poll less than a quarter of people said they planned breaks in their journey whilst 26% had driven for more than four hours without a break. FATIGUE

17 Traffic Operational Command Unit Large Goods Vehicles 12.5% of Fatal Collisions involve LGVs. With the Olympic construction phase just about to start in earnest, it is estimated that in London there will be 1,000 to 3,500 extra LGV journeys a day

18 Traffic Operational Command Unit Motorcycles Motorcyclists account for 2% of all UK road users However ……… They account for over 20% of the Killed and Seriously Injured on the UK’s roads.

19 Traffic Operational Command Unit Drink / Drug Driving A study into the attitude of young drivers towards alcohol and drugs revealed: Source: Sample Data: 8,000 17-24 year olds across United Kingdom. 8% claim to ‘always’ drive whilst under the influence of drugs 17% admit to regularly taking cannabis 12% admit to regularly taking cocaine 10% admit to regularly taking ecstacy 7% claim to ‘always’ drive after drinking more than 2 units of alcohol More than one in ten young drivers often take to the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs

20 Traffic Operational Command Unit The 4 biggest killers on the UK’s roads are: Speed Failure to wear a seat belt Drink Driving Mobile Phones

21 Traffic Operational Command Unit SPEED In 27% Fatal crashes speed is a significant factor Inappropriate Speed for the conditions or excess speed is a contributory factor in 1 in 3 crashes

22 Traffic Operational Command Unit of those killed on the roads are victims of Drink Drivers 15%

23 Traffic Operational Command Unit TRAFFIC OCU Main objectives: By 31/3/2010: To reduce all KSI's by 50%¹ To reduce child KSI's by 60%¹ By 2012: To reduce blameworthy Polcolls by 5% ¹Compared with 1994-1998 average.

24 Traffic Operational Command Unit The 4 biggest killers on the UK’s roads are: Speed Failure to wear a seat belt Drink Driving Mobile Phones

25 Traffic Operational Command Unit How are we reducing KSI's? Last year we: Issued 30,000 FPN’s for speeding, seat belt and mobile phone offences; Made 1,600 arrests for drink / drug driving; Seized over 10,000 vehicles for having no insurance and no driving licence; 12,000 no insurance disposals which includes FPN’s issued, process books completed, arrests for having no insurance and disqualified driving; Assisted the MPS with over 150 deployments for each of the 5 ANPR Intercept Teams; Made 1,100 arrests generated by the ANPR in Traffic’s patrol vehicles; Stopped 1200 Large Goods Vehicles (LGV) through Commercial Vehicle Enforcement.

26 Traffic Operational Command Unit - Organised Crime linked to London’s roads - Illegal road use - Nuisance/anti-social road use An internet based forum that will allow the public to provide information regarding:

27 Traffic Operational Command Unit

28 OUR SPECIALISTS Bikesafe Commercial Vehicle Unit Collision Investigation Unit Crime Team Traffic Management Officers

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