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Mid-Year Address January 20, 2011 Larry Goodwin, President.

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1 Mid-Year Address January 20, 2011 Larry Goodwin, President

2 The College of St. Scholastica Science Initiative Faculty/Staff Campaign: *222 donors (41% participation) *$104,239 to date ($65,000 designated for Science) Science Initiative: *$4.8M raised ($6M goal) *April/May 2011 groundbreaking

3 The College of St. Scholastica Growth Strategy Maintain 2,200 traditional, undergraduate Increase Graduate and Extended Studies (GEO) by 5-10% per year

4 The College of St. Scholastica Centennial Update Official Kick-off: January 2012 Anniversary: September 12, 2012 Theme: “For the Love of Learning” 20+ volunteer Steering Committee Questions or ideas? *Ann Elliott, Centennial Coordinator *Bob Ashenmacher, Executive Director of College Communications

5 The College of St. Scholastica HLC Accreditation Sister Edith Bogue, Steering Committee Chair Seven sub-committees Timetable: *Create draft self-study report during 2010-11 *Circulate draft for review in early 2011-12 *Submit report in late spring/summer 2012 *Accreditation visit scheduled for fall 2012

6 The College of St. Scholastica Board of Trustees Meeting Friday, February 11, 2011 Major items: 1. Tenure decisions 2. Sponsorship 3. Student housing options

7 The College of St. Scholastica Housing Goals House all first-year students in dorms and suites House sophomores in suites and apartments Provide more housing for juniors and seniors

8 The College of St. Scholastica Housing Needs 75 beds to relieve overflow and motel housing + 48 beds to replace Groves + House more juniors and seniors = 200 additional beds

9 The College of St. Scholastica Rochester Campus Update New location Opening February 2011 New concept ~ BlueStone Café State-of-the-art technology Flexible meeting areas

10 The College of St. Scholastica Mission/Values Survey Next survey slated for late March 2011 All employees invited to participate Actions from previous surveys: * Increased emphasis on one-College mindset *President’s Leadership Group *Shared Governance and Communication Participation is important!

11 2011-12 Institutional Objectives

12 The College of St. Scholastica Mission ~ Shaped by the Catholic Benedictine heritage, the College of St. Scholastica provides intellectual and moral preparation for responsible living and meaningful work ~ Vision ~ Graduate leaders who will serve and transform the world ~

13 The College of St. Scholastica Overall Priorities I. Distinctive Educational Experience II. Culture of Achievement III. Cultivation and Stewardship of Resources

14 The College of St. Scholastica I. Distinctive Educational Experience Goal 1: Integrate Catholic Benedictine values into the life of the College Focus on value of hospitality Goal 2: Prepare students to live and work in a diverse world Recruit and hire diverse faculty and staff. Goal 3: Emphasize faculty-student interaction, collaborative learning and experiential learning Develop Center for Teaching and Learning

15 The College of St. Scholastica II. Culture of Achievement Goal 1: Improve retention, graduation and placement rates Increase the proportion of first-year, traditional students taught by full-time faculty Create integrated first-year experience Goal 2: Strengthen academic quality Assess online and extended programs Prepare for HLC accreditation Goal 3: Enrich campus life and student support Implement OneStop Stage a successful Centennial celebration

16 The College of St. Scholastica III. Cultivation and Stewardship of Resources Goal 1: Diversify College’s revenue streams Increase GEO enrollment and revenue Goal 2: Cultivate human resources Develop leadership training opportunities Goal 3: Improve campus facilities Develop a comprehensive, long-range facilities plan Address Student Housing issues.

17 Have a great semester!

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