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Puritan New England English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620. The Point: English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620.

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Presentation on theme: "Puritan New England English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620. The Point: English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620."— Presentation transcript:

1 Puritan New England English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620. The Point: English Puritans came to North America, beginning in 1620.

2 The Puritans

3 Meanwhile, Meanwhile, other English Puritans in the 1620s who were discouraged about Anglican reform also turned their thoughts toward New England. Like the Separatists, they too felt the burden of increasing religious persecution, political repression, and dismal economic conditions. other English Puritans in the 1620s who were discouraged about Anglican reform also turned their thoughts toward New England. Like the Separatists, they too felt the burden of increasing religious persecution, political repression, and dismal economic conditions.

4 John Winthrop wrote to his wife in 1629, “[the Lord will] provide a shelter and a hiding place for us.” Winthrop and others believed that this refuge would be in America. John Winthrop wrote to his wife in 1629, “[the Lord will] provide a shelter and a hiding place for us.” Winthrop and others believed that this refuge would be in America.

5 In 1629, Winthrop and some of his well-connected friends obtained a royal charter for a joint-stock enterprise, the Massachusetts Bay Company. In 1629, Winthrop and some of his well-connected friends obtained a royal charter for a joint-stock enterprise, the Massachusetts Bay Company.

6 Winthrop and the other colonists transferred both the charter and the company’s headquarters to New England. This strategy meant that when the Puritans migrated, they took with them the authority for an independent government. Winthrop and the other colonists transferred both the charter and the company’s headquarters to New England. This strategy meant that when the Puritans migrated, they took with them the authority for an independent government.

7 In September 1630, Winthrop and the other colonists aboard the Arbella established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The port town of Boston became their capital. In September 1630, Winthrop and the other colonists aboard the Arbella established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The port town of Boston became their capital.


9 Soon other towns were founded to accommodate the large number of settlers flocking to join the colony. Soon other towns were founded to accommodate the large number of settlers flocking to join the colony.

10 In the first year of the colony’s settlement, 17 ships (including the Arbella) arrived with about 1,000 English men, women, and children—Puritan and non-Puritan. In the first year of the colony’s settlement, 17 ships (including the Arbella) arrived with about 1,000 English men, women, and children—Puritan and non-Puritan.

11 Unlike the settlers in Jamestown, the Puritans were well prepared to live in this land. They were organized and had many supplies. John Winthrop was the settlements first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

12 They also stressed hard work No matter what ones duties were, Puritans believed that God required men and women to work long and hard at them.

13 The Massachusetts Bay Company extended the right to vote to not only stockholders but to all adult males who belonged to the Puritan church, roughly 40 percent of the colony’s men. The Massachusetts Bay Company extended the right to vote to not only stockholders but to all adult males who belonged to the Puritan church, roughly 40 percent of the colony’s men.

14 This was a large electorate by the standards of Europe in the 1630s. These “freemen,” as they were called, voted annually for members of a lawmaking body called the General Court, which in turn chose the governor. This was a large electorate by the standards of Europe in the 1630s. These “freemen,” as they were called, voted annually for members of a lawmaking body called the General Court, which in turn chose the governor.

15 The Puritans came to America to practice their religion in freedom. However, they did not like dissent, or the expression of other points of view.

16 Civic officials were members of the Puritan church who believed that they were God’s “elect,” or chosen, and had a duty to carry out God’s will. Puritan laws criminalized such sins as drunkenness, swearing, theft, and idleness. Civic officials were members of the Puritan church who believed that they were God’s “elect,” or chosen, and had a duty to carry out God’s will. Puritan laws criminalized such sins as drunkenness, swearing, theft, and idleness.



19 Most Puritan communities also had a ducking stool designed to be swung out from the bank of a pond or river with the guilty party tied to it. The stool would then be dunked into the water with the number of dunks decided by the judge's sentence. This punishment was normally reserved for women who were seen as disrespectful to their husbands or considered gossips. Occasionally, quarrelsome married couples were tied back to back on the ducking stool. Most Puritan communities also had a ducking stool designed to be swung out from the bank of a pond or river with the guilty party tied to it. The stool would then be dunked into the water with the number of dunks decided by the judge's sentence. This punishment was normally reserved for women who were seen as disrespectful to their husbands or considered gossips. Occasionally, quarrelsome married couples were tied back to back on the ducking stool.


21 By 1640, more than 20,000 English settlers lived there. The region would become known as New England.

22 This Puritan work ethic helped lead to the rapid growth and success of the New England colonies.


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