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10. John the Baptist: Born for a Purpose John 1:19-34 & Matthew 11:2-6 ( p. 977 & 899 )

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2 10. John the Baptist: Born for a Purpose John 1:19-34 & Matthew 11:2-6 ( p. 977 & 899 )

3 1. Born for a Purpose John the Baptist –  One of only 2 people in Scripture set apart for God’s service from birth.  The other is Samson (Judges 13:1-7) [ possibly also Samuel, 1 Sam 1:11, 28 ]  A “Nazirite” for their whole lives (Num 6:1-8) The “purpose” of our lives –  Disappointment of a failed summer holiday  What about the people caught in the floods in Pakistan?

4 1. Born for a Purpose... He stood at the Turning of the Ages : The cusp of Time  He was to announce the answer to the question of the Ages – Isaac: “Father,... where is the Lamb?” (Gen 22:7) “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

5 2. Living out his Purpose He was “Elijah” (Mal 4:5, Matt 11:14)  He wore clothing of camel’s hair and a leather belt (cf. Elijah, 2 Ki 1:3-8) His task was to focus everyone on another, greater one  “He must become greater, I must become less” (John 3:30, also 1:27)

6 2. Living out his Purpose... He was to prepare the way for God’s anointed one (Is 40:3)  He called people to repentance (Matt 3:2)  He baptised as a ceremonial demonstration of cleansing. (Matt 3:6)  He called people to righteousness –  Pharisees, Sadducees & Teachers of the Law “You brood of vipers!” (Matt 3:7)  Ordinary people, tax collectors, soldiers: “produce good fruit” (Luke 3:10-14)  King Herod – “you cannot have your brother’s wife” (Mk 6:17-18, cf Lev 20:21) He was bold and wild and poor – locusts & honey, Mt 3:4, cf. Lk 7:33


8 3. Purpose and Struggle John was imprisoned for speaking out against Herod (Mk 6:14-19) John was killed at the whim of a dancing girl (Mk 6:21-29) He struggled with doubt in the dark days in prison (Matt 11:2-6)  “Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me” (Matt 11:6)  We take Jesus as He is, not what we’d like Him to be!

9 Living with Purpose What about us? Our purpose:  Make disciples, baptise them, teach them (Matt 28:18-20)  Teach, admonish, equip each other (Col 3:16, Eph 4:11-13)  Hold out to others the offer of reconciliation with God (2 Cor 5:16-21) What about my summer holiday?


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