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Greater Manchester Public Service Reform Early Years New Delivery Model Progress Report.

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1 Greater Manchester Public Service Reform Early Years New Delivery Model Progress Report

2 To increase the number of children who are ready for school by making the best use of resources to improve outcomes for all children in their early years and close the gap in performance for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) between all children and the bottom 20%. Early Years New Delivery Model Business Case Oct 2012 Early Years Overall Objective

3 New Delivery Model Components 1. A shared outcomes framework, 2. A common assessment pathway across GM 3. Evidence-based assessment tools 4. A suite of evidence-based interventions 5. Ensuring better use of daycare 6. A new workforce approach, to drive a shift in culture 7. Better data systems 8. Long-term evaluation

4 1. New Delivery Model Progress NDM ComponentProgress Shared outcomes framework Finalising proposed GM population measures and child level dataset to gather evidence of impact. A common assessment pathway across GM 8 Stage Assessment pathway has been reviewed. Evidence-based assessment tools and interventions Defined GM suite of assessments and interventions are being costed and outline pathways developed.

5 2. New Delivery Model Progress NDM ComponentProgress Ensuring better use of daycare To meet national target of 40% of two years olds accessing 15 hours of free childcare per week from 2014 the focus is on sufficiency, quality and integration within the NDM A new workforce approach, to drive a shift in culture Work is underway across PSR and within EY to ensure that the workforce is equipped to delivery the NDM. There is much to do across GM and in localities.

6 3. New Delivery Model Progress NDM ComponentProgress Better data systemsICT enablement of information sharing and intelligence is being taken forward across PSR. Long-term evaluationWork will commence next year to establish the 25 year cohort evaluation.

7 Early Adoption of New Delivery Model Based on LA plans submitted in June 2013 all localities are engaged in the GM work and have a multi-agency Early Years Implementation Group and plan to take forward elements of the NDM as follows:- Salford and Manchester are building the full NDM into existing developments Wigan, Bolton, Trafford are preparing to launch early adopter pilots from April, as are Stockport and Tameside though timeframe is still to be agreed Bury, Oldham and Rochdale have plans to pilot aspects of the NDM within existing developments.

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