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Biology EOC Prep.. Designing Investigations Follow directions – Follow directions – Follow directions! “logical steps” should include o Stating what.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology EOC Prep.. Designing Investigations Follow directions – Follow directions – Follow directions! “logical steps” should include o Stating what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology EOC Prep.

2 Designing Investigations

3 Follow directions – Follow directions – Follow directions! “logical steps” should include o Stating what things you are comparing (you might call one a control) o State how many times you will REPEAT the trial, experiment or observation. o State conditions that you will keep constant. o State that you will record your data in a table. Be clear about what data you will collect. Be clear about what you will use to make measurements and what units you will record. Write as many details as possible about how to do the investigation and collect the data.

4 Designing Investigations Field study question: How does the length of day affect the amount of seeds produced by a dandylion plant?

5 Designing Investigations Field study question: How does the number of wolves in Washington state affect the size of the deer population?

6 Designing Investigations Field study question: How does the water temperature affect the rate of fertilization of Salmon eggs in Washington streams?

7 Designing Investigations Field study question: How does the depth of snowpack (irrigation water) affect the apples harvested in Eastern Washington?

8 Designing Investigations Field study question: How does the use of backyard bird feeders affect the number of baby birds born in the spring in Washington?

9 Analyzing Data DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN

10 Analyzing Data

11 They ask you to EXPLAIN first and DESCRIBE the data second. (That’s OK…we’re so good we can do it backwards!) “Describe a scientific reason” means EXPLAIN what caused the “Forest edge” numbers to be what they were. “Describe a different scientific reason” means there must be more than one cause for the numbers. “Include data” this means DESCRIBE differences between numbers.

12 Analyzing Data

13 Describe a scientific reason for the results for the Hare population. Describe a scientific reason for the results for the Lynx population. Include data from the graph that supports each scientific reason.

14 A study was conducted to determine if pill bugs prefer one type of habitat over another. Number of pill bugs per square meter Direct Sunlight Shade Darkness Trial 11314 Trial 20417 Trial 32318 Average13.316.3 Describe a scientific reason for the results in Direct Sunlight. Describe a scientific reason for the results in Darkness. Include data from the graph that supports each scientific reason.

15 A study was conducted to determine if activity level affects oxygen consumption. Amount of oxygen in exhaled air of mice (% O 2 ) RunningSitting Sleeping Trial 1131618 Trial 21217 Trial 3111619 Average1216.318 Describe a scientific reason for the results while sitting. Describe a scientific reason for the results while sleeping. Include data from the graph that supports each scientific reason.

16 Describe a scientific reason for the results of the Thistle. Describe a scientific reason for the results of the Reed Canary grass. Include data from the graph that supports each scientific reason.

17 Using Science to Solve Problems

18 Constraint – a limitation or restriction Limitation – a limiting rule or circumstance. A restriction.

19 Using Science to Solve Problems IDENTIFY two constraints – What are they? DESCRIBE HOW each is a limitation. – How is the “constraint” causing the solution to be “limited” meaning not as good as it could be?

20 Using Science to Solve Problems Green lake is becoming overgrown with an aquatic plant called milfoil making swimming, boating and fishing difficult. The department of fish and wildlife have a plan to introduce Carp to the lake which will eat the milfoil and solve the problem of the aquatic plant overgrowing the lake. Describe two constraints other than cost that biologists could encounter while trying to use Carp (a fish species) to reduce the amount of milfoil. In your description be sure to: o Identify two constraints on introducing Carp other than cost. o Describe how each constraint is a limitation.

21 Using Science to Solve Problems At camp Robinswald, large numbers of mosquitos are breeding and hatching in some ponds at the camp. These mosquitos are then biting the girl scouts who go to camp there. The camp managers plan to pour insecticide into the ponds to kill the mosquitos to stop their campers from getting bit. Describe two constraints other than cost that camp managers could encounter while trying to use insecticide to reduce number of mosquitos. In your description be sure to: o Identify two constraints on poisoning the mosquitos in the pond other than cost. o Describe how each constraint is a limitation.

22 Using Science to Solve Problems New farms in Eastern Washington need a source of water in order to grow vegetables for the state. The Governor of Washington has a plan to divert some water out of the Yakima river, into a ditch and down to the farms where it is needed. Describe two constraints other than cost that the Governor could encounter while trying to divert Yakima river water to grow crops. In your description be sure to: o Identify two constraints on diverting river water other than cost. o Describe how each constraint is a limitation.

23 Using Science to Solve Problems Some game wardens have a plan to plant marsh grass from Florida on the beaches of Washington so that it will provide more habitat for ducks. More habitat should result in more ducks for duck hunters to hunt. Describe two constraints other than cost that game wardens could encounter while trying to plant marsh grass to increase duck numbers. In your description be sure to: o Identify two constraints on introducing marsh grass other than cost. o Describe how each constraint is a limitation.

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