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ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 1 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering 11 Design Project Summary

2 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 2 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design Example Schedule ItemStartFinishTask/MileStone Description 1Wk-01Wk-02UnderStand Functional Requirements 2Wk-02Wk-03Form Team 3Wk-02Wk-04BrainStorm Solutions, Select 2-3 for Feasibility Assessment 4Wk-04Wk-05Concept Feasibility Analysis (Pros & Cons); Select Best Concept 5Wk-05Wk-06Select Source-of-Motion; Finalize: Agitator Concept, Mtg to Tank 6Wk-06Wk-08Make AutoCAD Layout, Find Supplier for Source-of-Motion 7Wk-07Wk-08Prep for CONCEPTUAL Design Review – Ref. CDR ScoreSheet 8Wk-08 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REVIEW (CDR) PowerPoint Presentation 9Wk-09 Iterate on Design based on CDR “Post Portem” Review 10Wk-10Wk-12Design Control System, Find Supplier for Control-Sys Components 11Wk-10Wk-14Detail-Design and Formal ACAD dwgs for “Piece Parts” 12Wk-10Wk-14Research Suppliers and Select Purchased-Parts; Need Cat. No.s 13Wk-12Wk-15Construct Accurate and Complete Bills of Material 14Wk-12Wk-15Determine Manufacturing Methods, Collect Cost Data 15Wk-12Wk-15Detail-Design and Formal ACAD dwgs for SubAssys & FinalAssy 16Wk-15Wk-16Prep for CRITICAL Design Review – Ref. CrDR ScoreSheet 17Wk-17 CRITICAL DESIGN REVIEW (CDR) PowerPoint Presentation xtraWk-10Wk-17Build, Assemble, Test, and Demonstrate ProtoType HardWare

3 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 3 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design To Build a Designed Object  Say you were Asked to BUILD or CONSTRUCT something using basic hand tools  You would need (at a minimum) A list of Parts with P/N’s and Qtys Parts FABRICATED specially for this Object Parts PURCHASED from Catalogs for this Object (a.k.a. “Standard Parts”) Instructions on how ASSEMBLE the Object

4 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 4 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design Small-Volume Object Design Raw-Material in Basic-Shapes (chosen by the Engineer) Parts Fabricated per Specialized designs (your BluePrints) Parts Purchased from Technical Catalogs (Selected by the Engineer) Assembly Documentation (Parts-List, BluePrints, Instructions, etc.) Written by the Engineer

5 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 5 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design

6 ENGR-11_Small_Volume_Design.pptx 6 Bruce Mayer, PE Engineering-11: Engineering Design All Done for Today Engineering Design Pyramid

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