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Barometer of where we stand as a country at this moment in time….

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Presentation on theme: "Barometer of where we stand as a country at this moment in time…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barometer of where we stand as a country at this moment in time….

2 Industrial Revolution – Northern Life 1 st Britain and Europe (1700s) o Started with farming (better tools and techniques)

3 Industrial Revolution - Northern Life Reached America (1800s) Factories in North o Supplies of coal, iron, and rivers for water power o 1860 = 70% of American industry in North

4 Industrial Revolution Simultaneously, better transportation fueled advances! NEW CONNECTIONS!

5 Industrial Revolution Encouraged growth of industry Example: Erie Canal (NY) connects to Atlantic Ocean (NYC)

6 Industrial Revolution Encouraged growth of industry Example: Erie Canal (NY) connects to Atlantic Ocean (NYC)

7 Industrial Revolution - Northern Life “Factory System” develops Goods created in factories, not small businesses / homes

8 Industrial Revolution - Northern Life First factories were in New England: Lowell Mill Lowell Mill was the model Employed young women in a structure environment First protests and strike of the era


10 Industrial Revolution: Problems? Stay tuned… (progressives) Rich factory owners, poor workers Poor living/working conditions No police in cities (1830s) Unsafe water (pay services)

11 Industrial Revolution - Northern Life North: Men and women worked (kids too) Immigration picks up as factory jobs become available Northern/Western Europe (Stay Tuned)

12 Southern Life Plantation System in South Slaveholding men dominated all facets of life o Political, Economic, Social Women took care of the home

13 Southern Life Slaves had no control over their lives o ate poorly o lived in shacks o could not marry o worked in fields, in some cases to death, o Beaten, in some cases, to death


15 Slaves – resistance Smaller resistance did occur o Escapes, self mutilation, work slowdowns o Large revolts were rare o 1831 Nat Turner in Virginia

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